Maynard boys~ first week [PART 3 of longest tour ever]

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I came down the stairs slowly because I just woke up. When I wake up I stay in bed for thirty minutes to an hour and then I actually get out of bed and go downstairs. I don't talk for a half hour and then once I finally had coffee in my system I talk. Everyone know my morning routine, except for Conor this morning...

"Y/n, I know a perfect date for tonight," he ran to me as soon as I hit the bottom of the stairs.
"Neeeeddddd coffeeeee," I managed to get out.
"Oh," he smiled kindly, "right sorry," and he moved out of my way.

I walked to the kitchen to grab my already made coffee??? Conor must have made it for me. I turned around to go and sit in the living room when Conor was right behind me. "Jesus Conor," I held my hand to my chest to make it stop hurting, "you scared me. Looks like I don't need coffee anymore. I'm wide awake, but thanks for making me coffee."

He looked confused, "I didn't make you coffee."
"Well then who did?"
"I did," I turned to left from where the voice came from, "I knew you would want your coffee when you woke up so I made it for you." It was Jack...
"Well, thanks Jack, but I could've gotten it." He just stared at me like a lost puppy, is he okay?

I finally looked back at Conor, "Okay, so what are we doing today?"
He had a small smile, "Going on our first date," and with that Jack was gone.
"Are you sure you don't want to spend time with your friends? You haven't seen them for a while. I'm not pushing you away I just don't want to seem like the clingy and selfish type. You know the ones that always say you never spend time with me but in reality you went on a date like two days ago," we both laughed.
"I mean," he started, "we could visit them, and then afterwards go and watch a movie."
"Great," I smiled, "but don't expect us to leave right away, we can leave whenever you want."
"Okay," he kissed my cheek.

Time skip to spending time with the boys...

We all went out to eat at this Chinese buffet place. I of course sat by Conor, Joe sat in from of me, Caspar sat in front of Conor, Oli sat on the other side of me, Jack sat right beside Josh, while Josh was sitting beside Joe and Mikey sat on the other side of Oli. We were having a great time when all of a sudden some fans came up to us.

"Omg guys can we have a photo with all of you," a blond girl said.
"Sure all of us answered at the same time and we chuckled about it.
"Who's taking the picture," Joe asked.
"My mum," the brown haired girl said.

"Okay everyone huddle up," I said as we all got together on a croup photo with the girls in the middle.
"Okay, say cheese," one if the girls' mum said, "one, two, three."
After the picture we all went to hug the two girls seperate. Once I got to the two girls the blond one said, "I'm Emma," she pointed to the other one, "and this is Roan. We know who you're dating and we think you chose the wrong Maynard."
"What," I'm so confused.
"Jack has been in love with you since he saw your YouTube videos and you chose Conor."
"Like," Roan started to talk, "can't you see it when he looks at you. He won't even look at another girl now."

"Okay," I arched my eye brow, "it's not something you can choose, you cant choose who you like and who you don't like. It's a natural thing. I can't help that I don't like him the way he likes me, I can only see him as a friend, a best friend for a matter of fact. I will always be there for him and he will always be there for me, just, not the way he would want or apparently a lot of other people would want. I'm sorry I can't make a lot of people happy with their otp's. "

"It's okay," Roan said, "we still ship you with Jack, but I think I would've chosen Conor too. He's funny, cute, and really talented."
"Yeah I agree," Emma laughed.
"Okay, it was nice talking to you girls. I hope I see you around soon."
"Bye Y/n," they both yelled at the same time.

I went over to the boys and sat down in my seat. "What did they say to you," Conor asked.
"I'll tell you later," I whispered in his ear and then kissed his cheek. The room went silent, "Um," I couldn't find any words because everyone was staring at us.
"Y/n and I are dating," Conor told everyone. There was a couple of good jobs and cheers but Jack stayed silent and staired down at his plate once he saw that everyone was happy about the relationship.

I didn't notice until I looked around and looked at his side of the table. He looked up and met my gaze. I instantly looked away and looked over at Conor. He knew what was going on and looked at his brother then looked back at me.

The waitresses came and gave us our checks and Conor insisted that he payed for my meal. "Conor, you don't have to do that."
"But I insist," he hugged you.
"Okay, fine, as long as I get to pay for the movie tickets and snacks."
"No," OMG wwwwhhhhyyyy Conor, "I want to pay for them myself."
"At least let me pay for my ticket."
"Fine," I sighed, "I'll pay for the next date."
His smile seemed more bright, "There's going to be another date?"
I laughed, "Come on, let's go see that movie." We went and paid at the front desk and ran out of the building. We decided to walk because we weren't that far away from the movie theater.

We were half way there when it started to rain. Not just a sprinkle, it was pouring. Conor grabbed my hand and started running. We ran under a tree and started laughing.
"My hair probably looks horrible."
I looked at Conor to see his hair not in a poof anymore but flat and by his eyes. I giggled, "Nah I think it looks cute."
His eyes widened, "Really?"
"Yeah it kinda reminds me of your old hair cut," I smiled at him.

"Oh," he looked down at the ground, "I looked horrible back then."
"Nah, you were cute, still are." I put my hands on his cheeks so I can make him look at me, and he did. I couldn't help myself and I started to lean in. Conor started to lean in too and before you know it we're kissing. I pulled away and put my forehead on his.

"I guess we're not going to the movies," he laughed.
"No but this was so good first date, kissing and talking under a tree while it's raining."
"Do you want to go home?"
"No," I started to look around, "I wanna stay here just a little longer," and with that we kissed again under the perfect tree that I will remember forever...

A/n- Hey guys, I'm going to do a couple more parts to this so keep reading. I'm sorry if this one sucks but someone keeps requesting more parts so I'm doing it for the reader. If you wanna request something say what you want, what character you want, and if you want it to be an image or text. Remember, vote, comment, and request... Bye my little spiderlings.

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