Dancing like a Stripper (Conor)

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Conor: Hey Y/n!

Y/n: What? I'm at work

Conor: I need to know where you work.

Y/n: WHY?

Conor: I just saw a stripper that looked like you, I was making sure it wasn't you.

Jack: Wait... Y/n is a stripper?

Y/n: WHAT?! NO!

Jack: Well if you were that would totally make sense.

Conor: I know, that's the only explanation I have other than her having a boyfriend she isn't telling us.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Jack: You're always at "work" late and never come home until 5 in the morning.

Conor: Sometimes you even walk funny.

Y/n: I work a strict night shift for my work (that isn't at the strip club) and I do NOT walk funny sometimes.

Jack: Yeah you do.

Conor: You limp or stiffen up when you walk too fast.

Y/n: Yeah because I twist my ankle. I'm a clumsy person, one time I tripped down the stairs at my work because my pants were too long.

Jack: Are you sure?

Y/n: Why would I lie about this?

Conor: Because you know us and we would kill you if you were a stripper.

Y/n: Hey Conor, why are you on your phone in a strip club?

Conor: Because they are all boring, and none are half as pretty as you.

Y/n: Yet you just said one looked like me.

Conor: Well, other than that one but I haven't seen her lately.

Jack: Damn can I go there with you next time?

Conor: No!

Jack: Why?

Conor: Because it's weird with your brother.

Y/n: This is getting gross. I have to go back on my shift.

Jack: See you later babe!

Y/n: Don't call me babe!

Conor: I swear that stripper looked exactly like Y/n.

Jack: Bro just drop it.

Conor: No I swear.

Jack: Let me guess you see her again after Y/n quit texting us?

Conor: Actually yeah. She just came back out.

Jack: I promise it's not Y/n. She wouldn't do that.

Conor: I don't know. I'm going to get a closer look.

Jack: Don't stalk the poor girl. It's creepy even if it was Y/n.

Conor: I just want to talk. I'm going in.

Jack: Good luck.

Conor: She ran from me!!!

Jack: Haha that's not the first time a girl ran after she saw you.


Jack: What? I thought it was hilarious.

Conor: I'm going to look for her again.

Jack: Maybe she ran because she thought you were creepy.

Conor: Please there are plenty of creeps in here. I'm just going to ask one of the other girls if they know a Y/n L/n.

Jack: That would've been smarter to do in the beginning.

Conor: She said yes. She's going to get her because I said I needed her, then handed her money.

Jack: Uh... I don't think this is the best thing to do.

Conor: Nonsense. It's a great idea. I just want to ask her why she was lying about it.

Jack: Be nice! Don't snap at her.

Conor: I won't, just talk calmly.

Conor: Never mind, she's on the pole... I think I need to smack some sense into her!

Jack: Don't! You said you'll talk!

Conor: Oh I'll talk, right after I get a lap dance from her.

Jack: WHAT!?!?!?!?

Conor: I'll tell you how it is brotha!!!!

Jack: No she's my woman!

Conor: No she's not! She's single and she's gonna give me something I've been wanting for a while from her.

Jack: Tell her to quit her job!

Jack: Conor?

Jack: Conor!?!?!?!

Jack: You BASTARD!!!!

A/n- I felt it was only fair for two updates in one night. I'm going to do a part 2 for this one without the texts. Comment, vote, and request! Thank you all!

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