All I Want For Christmas Is You (Conor x reader)

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A/n- Hey guys, I know this is late but I still did the request. This is the best that I can do at 11:14pm right now so later on I will edit it.. anyways enjoy and om with the story.

Conor went on tour for his new album Explosion. He was super excited for his tour and to see his fans. The only thing he didn't like about it was that it was around Christmas. He decided to surprise me and give me a backstage pass for when he comes to London to preform; which so happens to be on Christmas day.

I am now at the concert and can't wait to see my wonderful and handsome boyfriend preform for his fans. You can hear everyone of them screaming for his name already. Standing here makes me very happy that there are people that appreciate him even if they think I use him and I don't. I would rather have everyone of his fans hate me than for him to give up everything that he loves. I would rather see him happy and when he is on stage you can tell he feels free. You can tell that he feels alive and extraordinary.

I hear my name being called behind me and I see Conor all dressed up.

"Conor," I yelled.

He ran towards me and spun me around, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," I kissed his cheek.

"You missed," he teased.

"What," I asked.

"You missed," then he pursed his lips and I finally realized what he was saying.

"Oh," I said then kissed him on the lips. "Better," I asked.

"Definately," he smiled, "but I might need one after the show. You know my 'good job you did so good' kiss."

"Of course," I giggled, "but only if you do good."

"Don't I always do good," he fired back jokingly.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night baby," I patted his chest then walked away. I knew it I stayed there any longer I would've made him loose track of time and he would be rushed onto stage.

I went down to my spot by the stage and waited for Conor to go on it. Next thing you know the lights are flashing and you hear Conors' voice, "Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls please welcome the wonderful, most awesome and handsome-"

"Hell yeah he is," I whispered to myself.

"-Coooonor Maynard," he ran out on to the stage and started singing Explosion.

I saw her staring at me, but it wasn't who I thought it would be...

God is voice was amazing and it sent chills throughout my body. Everyone, well, every girl that was there was screaming for Conor to notice them. One right beside me even screamed that she loved him. His smile is what made my heart stop, he was so handsome and I can call him mine. At that time I realized that I was the luckiest person in the world.

Then the music stopped, "I would like to sing a song to my girlfriend. Y/n you need to come up here for this one."

A couple of the dancers when off of stage and got me to come on the stage. He went over and grabbed my hand and looked down at our intertwined fingers, "I love you so much Y/n."

"I love you too Conor," I was about to tear up. The music started to play and it turned out to be 'all I want for Christmas is you' by Mariah Carey. He started to dance and jump around everywhere. Then he started to twirl me around, sing close to my ear, and a mic was handed to me. Both of us started to sing and most of the crowd loved it.

The music was coming to an end and we were facing each other and he grabbed my hand. He pulled something out of his pocked and got down on his knee, "Y/n, we have been together for three years now. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Some of my fans are wrong about you but most are right. The ones that are right say that you're the one for me or you're my true love. At first I wasn't one to believe in true love but since I've experienced it now I will always believe. I want you to be mine when I'm old, I want you to be there when I'm sick, I want you to be the only one I love for as long as I live and even after that. So Y/n will you marry me?"

I started to cry and I jumped up in the air and kissed his lips, "Yes, yes, yes, I would say yes a million times!" The crowd cheered and yelled 'that was so cute' or 'I want my boyfriend to propose to me like that'. There was a lot of clapping but I only had my focus on Conor. The one and only Conor Maynard that I will forever love. This turned out to be the best Christmas ever...

A/n- thanks for reading. Finished at 12:09 am... this one was fun to write though. Please request, vote, and comment. Bye my lil pandas 🐼...

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