12 days of Jack (Jack x reader)

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DAY 1:
It's the first day of Christmas and I heard a knock on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone because everyone that I knew was out of town. Well, apparently Jack wasn't; he was standing there with a big, goofy grin and his arms opened wide. "On the first day of Christmas Jack gave to me... A GREAT BIG HUG!" He leaned down and hugged me very tight.

"Thanks Jack, I needed that," I rubbed his back 

DAY 2:
The second day of Christmas and I'm still lonely. Another knock was on my door as I didn't expect anyone again. I went to the door to find Jack again. "Hey Y/n," he stood there awkwardly with his hands behind his back, "I got you two pairs of gloves that will keep your hands nice and warm."
"Awe thanks Jack."
"Oh," he held up his first finger, "AND A GREAT BIG HUG FROM JACK!" I smiled at him because he is a big goofball.

DAY 3:
He seems to come everyday with something. A great big hug and two pairs of gloves. What could be next? Jack just randomly barged into my flat. "Hi Y/n," he had a big grin on his face, "three chocolate bars, two pairs of gloves, and a GREAT BIG HUG FROM JACK!"
"Thanks Jack, you're the best," I gave him a bear hug because I appreciate it a lot. No one has been this kind to me around the Christmas holiday.

DAY 4:
It's almost 10:00 at night so I didn't think Jack was going to come. As soon as I sat down to watch a Christmas movie someone knocked on the door. I got up to answer it and found Jack. "Four Christmas movies, three chocolate bars, two pairs of gloves, and A GREAT BIG HUG FROM JACK!"
"Thanks Jack again," I gave him that hug, "you know you don't have to do this, right?"
"But, I want to. Now let's go watch those movies."

DAY 5:
At first I didn't know where I was, then I saw my Tv. I was so comfortable and I didn't want to move. I then felt the couch vibrate underneath me, but it wasn't the couch. "Good morning Y/n," Jack said.
"Good morning," I replied.
"Did you sleep well," he asked me.
"Yes I did, how about you Jack?"
"Wonderful because I was with the most beautiful girl in the world," he hugged me closer if it was even possible. "I also have something for you."
We sat up and he said, "Five sweet kisses," he leaned down and gave me a kiss on my left cheek, right cheek, forehead, nose, then on the top of my head, "four Christmas movies, three chocolate bars, two pairs of gloves, and A GREAT BIG HUG FROM JACK!"

DAY 6:
So Jack decided to stay the night again. I woke up and smelt a wonderful smell that I know best. It was the smell of Coffee!!! I ran down the stairs and found Jack standing right next to six cups of coffee.
"Good morning," he said, "would you like six cups of coffee, five sweet kisses, four Christmas movies, three chocolate bars, two pairs of gloves, and A GREAT BIG HUG FROM JACK?!"
"I would but with all this coffee I would think that you're trying to kill me with caffeine," I giggled.
"No," he shook his head, "not this beautiful girl."

DAY 7:
I wake up wondering what today would be when I hear not one but seven knocks on the door. When I opened it it wasn't just Jack but the whole buttercream squad.
"Seven weird friends," Caspar yelled with his arms out wide.
"Six cups of coffee," Conor jumped up and down.
"Five sweet kissed," Joe gave me five Hershey kisses.
"Four Christmas movies," Josh had a poster with Elf, Home Alone, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, and Four Christmases on it.
"Three chocolate bars," Oli handed me the chocolate bars that he desperately wanted to keep for himself.
"Two pairs of gloves," Mikey put two pairs of gloves in my hand.
"AND A GREAT BIG HUG FROM JACK," Jack pushed himself in front of everyone and hugged me.
"Thanks you guys," I smiled.

DAY 8:
I wake up to a note on my nightstand. It said,
"From Jack,

Eight concert tickets, seven weird friends, six cups of coffee, five sweet kisses, four Christmas movies, three chocolate bars, two pairs of gloves and A GREAT BIG HUG FROM JACK!"
Right beside the note was a Huggie juice. He still have me that hug even though he wasn't there.

DAY 9:
I had to film a couple of videos for YouTube. Jack game in through the window and scared the crap out of me. His creeper level went up at least ten notches. "Hi Y/n," Jack enthusiastically said.
"I Jack," I waved at him shocked, "have you ever heard of a door?"
"I have," I just noticed that he had a camera in his hand, "but this was for a video. Speaking of videos, nine videos with Jack, eight concert tickets, seven weird friends, six cups of coffee, five sweet kisses, four Christmas movies, three chocolate bars, two pairs of gloves, and A GREAT BIG HUG FROM JACK!"

DAY 10:
I heard a knock at my door when I was reading "The Fault in Our Stars." It turned out to be Jack again with a big bag behind him. "Ten fluffy teady bears, nine videos with Jack, eight concert tickets, seven weird friends, six cups of coffee, five sweet kisses, four Christmas movies, three chocolate bars, two pairs of gloves, and A GREAT BIG HUG FROM JACK!"

DAY 11:
I was sitting on the couch watching Deadpool when my phone started playing Bubble Butt by Major Lazer. I answered the phone, "what's up Jack?"
"Nothing much just calling to say you have eleven days in Greece, ten fluffy teady bears, nine videos with Jack, eight concert tickets, seven weird friends, six cups of coffee, five sweet kisses, four Christmas movies, three chocolate bars, two pairs of gloves, and A GREAT BIG HUG FROM JACK," he screamed on the other end of the line.
"Thanks Jack," I giggled.
"You're welcome Y/n."

DAY 12:
It's the twelfth and final day. He hasn't shown up in the morning, called, texted, or even left a note. It was sweet that he did all of that but he didn't have to. I got a soft knock on my door. It wasn't like the ones from the other days. No, those ones were loud and excited knocks while this one seemed nervous and filled with anxiety. I walked over to the door slowly to look though the peep hole on the door. It was Jack! He was in a nice black suit, hair flipped to the side with gel in it, and he was holding twelve roses. I opened the door, "Hi Jack." There was this big smile on my face.
"Hi Y/n," he took a deep breath, "the whole reason I did this was because I really like you and I didn't want you to be alone on Christmas. I knew you didn't have the money to go and see your parents so I baught you all this stuff and made a twelve days of Christmas. More like twelve days of Jack. I wanted to make this Christmas special for you and it was my plan. I got you some tickets to go and see your parents tomorrow. I know they really miss you and you miss them too. I would just like to ask that you introduce me to your parents as your lovely boyfriend and not as one of your great friends? So I bought twelve red roses and dressed up a little to be professional and ask you out on a date. Y/n, would you like to go on a date with me?"
I started to cry, Jack was being really sweet and he just said he wanted to be my boyfriend. I can't believe he did this for me too. I had no hesitation when I yelled my words out in joy, "YES JACK YES I WILL YES!!!" Leaping into his arms I hugged him and didn't want to let go. No one has ever done anything for me on Christmas that wasn't my family. I really truly love Jack Maynard...

A/n- there you guys go! I am going to be posting a Joe Christmas x reader here soon (probably after the new years because I'm lazy or sooner because I have nothing else to do for five days). Anyways yes there still is a Joe x reader coming because a couple of you have requested it❤️. I don't know if I want to make a second part of "don't treat her badly Oli x reader" but I've been going though a lot at school and have been very busy. Please tell me what you think about this one, I kinda rushed through it because it is currently 1:00am on December 26th so... that just describes me (very late and very lazy). Also please comment, vote, and request if you want. Love you my lil pandas 🐼...

(Why do I think I'm a YouTuber in the author notes... no one is going to read the anyways 😂😂😂)

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