Little Vacation (Joe x reader)

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I can't believe it, I'm pregnant? How? We didn't... never mind. How will Joe take this, especially on vacation? This was supposed to be our vacation, along with the cutest couple Zoe and Alfie. I don't want to ruin it for any of us. I don't want tem to be more worried about me than having fun.

"Y/n," I heard Zoe yell from outside the door, "are you okay, you've been in there for quite a while." She opened the door which surprised me. I didn't think she would open the door, especially since I am in here. I couldn't do anything because I was shocked, so I froze. "What are you doing in he-" she looked down at my had which was still holding the pregnancy test, "What is that? Did you- are you?" I nodded yes. "Oh my, I'm going to be and Aunt more importantly you're going to be a mother and Joe is going to be a father!"

"I don't know how to tell Joe," I started to cry as I put my hands up to cover my face.

"No, don't cry," she hugged me, "Joe has always wanted kids of his own, he will be excited to know you're pregnant."

"I didn't want to ruin the vacation," I don't understand why I'm so emotional, maybe the hormones.

"No, you didn't and you won't ruin the boy's vacation either," she reassured me, "they will be thrilled to know that there will be a little Sugg running around." We both giggled at her little joke.

"Yeah, I guess they will."

"Y/n," both of us heard Joe's worried voice yell. He turned around the corner to see me crying with the test in my hands. "Are you-" I shook my head yes again. His face switched from worried to excited instantly. He ran towards me and I felt Zoe let go of me. Next thing I know Joe's lips are locked with mine, "I love you, I love you so much! We're going to be parents, but not just any parents, good parents." His excitement made me less worried, but I know he still knew something was wrong. "Why were you crying," he asked me.

"I thought this would ruin our vacation and this isn't how I wanted to tell you," I sniffled.

"No, no, no! This did not ruin our vacation, if anything it made it better," he kissed me again. "I can't believe it, I'm so happy!" I couldn't believe his excitement, it was amazing. He looked like a kid on Christmas morning looking at all the presents underneath the tree.

"We have to go out and celebrate," Zoe suggested.

"Ice cream," I asked.

"Sure," both of them said in unison.

"Great," I clapped my hands together. "Wait, how will we tell our parents?"

"I have an idea that I think you will love," Joe slyly smiled.

"Oh no..."

A/n- OMG guys!!! We are #3 in the Maynard rankings! Keep it up, I'm so happy! This was just a little update for the celebration, but I think there is going to be another part to this one. Requests are always open, tell me who you want and what you want the plot to be. Thank you guys for reading and please keep reading. Also, I have other books so please check those out if you already haven't. Thanks again everyone and remember to vote, comment, and request! Love you all!

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