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Adventures of Captainnamerika is a fictional/non-fictional story by LovesArie which talks about a girl's journey through life. The best thing about this anecdote is it's not your typical, cliché kind of story. Think of it as a diary that you've been dying to read. Sounds scandalous but it's legal. So, tune in for the next escapade of Captainnamerika!

This story was written on the year 2014, any similarities on character, names, plot lines, events, etc. are pure coincidences.

Plagiarism (Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines or Republic Act No. 8923) is an illegal act under the law of the Republic of the Philippines and serious actions will be taken to those who copy this book.




"We present to you the Fitness Award. And this coveted title belongs to *drumroll rolling* Captainnamerika!"

And just like that, the clapping and cheering got louder and wilder. People were stamping their feet and clapping their hands for so long, I bet their hands and feet were already sore and tingly. But who cares? It's an honor to receive the fitness award on my graduation day.

Wait, what?!

The sound of Birdy Nam Nam's Goin' In (Skrillex "Goin' Down" Mix) caused me to wake up from my deep slumber. My phone was ringing. I anxiously grabbed my iPhone from the bedside table and noticed that the Caller ID was unknown. Another weird sicko calling me, perhaps? I tested out my theory by pressing the Answer button.

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

I could barely hear what the person was saying. It was a guy. All I hear from the background noise was people talking and laughing so loud. Probably his friends. But due to my sleepiness, all I could hear clearly was, "Hey, you're so beautiful!" Then he hung up.

Yup. Another weird sicko. Next thing I knew, I was fuming. I was so sick of crazy, random people calling me and saying such nonsense. Some perverted, some insulting. Though he did utter a compliment, but still. And the worst part was, he woke me up at 10 in the morning. I'm not much of a morning person and I truly hate of the thought waking up early or people waking me up. I didn't think twice of blocking that number.

Thanks to the National news, I finally know how to block numbers from your Iphone.

I'm the kind of person who doesn't let anything or anyone get away with their crap on me. As I lay in bed with wide-awake eyes, I try to remember who was the last person I gave my number to. I have a lot of friends but I try to give out my number to people who I know in personal exclusively, trying to tell them not to share my number without my permission. But that rarely happens but I take in consideration to those people who randomly texts or calls just for the sake of being friends with me. I'm totally okay with that. But if you're just some deranged freak, then: "Adios, loco!"

Now back to my little investigation. I think the last time I gave out my number was to a guy who I met on Twitter. He was constantly retweeting every single tweet I tweeted. (Wow, that can pass for a tongue twister) Also, liking and commenting every Instagram pics I posted since the day he followed me. I thought it was a flattering gesture for him to do that since we didn't knew each other.

Then one day, he suddenly messaged me a pic on Instagram. It was a note from the notes app in an Iphone and says that how he wishes we could be more closer to each other with a smirk emoticon at the end. I decided to go with the flow since the way we communicated was kind of new and I found it cute. So not being a snob about it, I send him the same thing but in a letter form which starts of "Dear Mr. Unknown," then I said that I'm sure we will someday and hoping to meet him personally. I ended it with "Love, Captainnamerika."

I guess the rest is rock and roll history. We kept on photo chatting until he ended the convo by saying that he had fun talking to me but he had to go I said, "Yeah okay, Had fun talking to you too. Have a great day!"

Then he sent me one last pic asking for my number. I thought about it for a while. I mean I didn't know the guy but he seemed nice. So I said to myself, "What's the worst thing that can happen?" Then I gave him my number but reminded him not to share it with anyone else.

It's been two days that I haven't heard from him and received that bizarre call this morning. So I assumed that it was him. Just to be sure, I blocked him from my Instagram and Twitter account. I'm still friends with him on Facebook and being a nice girl I was, I didn't block him. I was still uncertain if it really was him but wouldn't hurt to be associated with him on Facebook.

So mission accomplished! For now, I guess. Though I gotta hand it to him, he did woke me up from that silly dream of mine. Honestly, I didn't know what was more surreal: that dream I had where I was kissing a random guy and I was persistently sucking his bottom lip (the effect of reading Wattpad stories that contains a kissing scene) which was kind of gross or that dream I was being kidnapped by zombies in a haunted house but still remained human when I escaped from those vicious flesh-eating lunatics.

I swear, my head hurts, it looks like a huge hammer was continuously pounding me the whole night. I guess the effect of binge-drinking margaritas on my graduation night hasn't still worn off and I'm experiencing a major hangover.

It's been five days since my epic graduation day and pretty much, I've moved on from it. Though it was one of the best days of my life where I finished high school through all of my success and failures, being recognized from the awards I've received and accepting my high school diploma. As much as it sucks to bid farewell from my high school friends and memories, I actually feel kind of relieved to be out of high school. My first and last year was my worst two years of high school.

To be honest, senior year felt like prison to me. I mentally thought on my graduation day, my toga was the orange jumpsuit and when I returned it, I was like, "Hell, yeah! Thank God I'm free!" I did things no person would ever think of doing.

I went straight to McDonald's and had an ultimate cheat day! Burgers and fries with a side of coke float all the way, baby! Then I went to this Japanese bar and started to order a pitcher of margaritas. I guess you can predict what happened next. But I was thankful my family was there to help me up. Though through my drunkenness, I could see my mom's disappointed face. Good thing my dad was there to back me up. I mean he was responsible for it cause he was the first person who convinced me to drink.

But all I could remember that night was as we went home, my sister made me drink a pitcher of water then I instantly dozed off. I woke up in the middle of the night with my bladder bursting. I ran with all my strength to the bathroom and peed like my life depended on it. I washed my hands afterwards and looked through my reflection in the mirror. I noticed that I was changed in my lace nighties and my face looked clean and moisturized. My mom probably did the honors of dressing me up and wiping a wet, clean cloth on my face since it was still covered with make-up despite her discouraged state.

But I'm a teenager and that's what they do, right?

But okay, let me break it down for you. Captainnamerika isn't really my real name. But I sure hope it were. I'm no superhero as well. Just another human being who is going through with life. But what really makes me a hero comes down in so many ways. My experiences, for instance. Yeah, I guess it's true when people are gathered in a room, it is certain there is greater than 50/50 chance at least two of them have the same birthday or at least 7 people from the world population looks like you. But I bet that you can't have the same day as others across the universe. Now, that's super!

It's already summer and I'll be attending college soon. It's gonna be a long road for me but I don't mind sharing it with people I'll meet along the way. So, join me on my nom de plume adventures and let me be the lionheart of the story.

Till the next odyssey!

-Captainnamerika 😘

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