Chapter Sixteen

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*car horn*

This is what I've been hearing for the past hour. It was just a simple 10- minute drive. Little did I know that it would take almost 30 minutes staying idle in the same road. And let me tell you, it doesn't look good at all.

Good thing music existed but I feel like there's a need to move around. What I do in boring times like this is to fidget non-stop. I'd play around with my hoodie, make funny faces, ruffle my hair, twirl my lips and touch anything on the dashboard.

"Hmm, there must be a traffic enforcer, huh dad?"

"Baby, whenever there's a heavy traffic, the traffic enforcers always have a say about this."

I just keep mum the whole time, feeling guilty. If I told my dad earlier that his clients were on the way, we would get there ten minutes, tops.

I don't know about you but I've never felt this irritated. It was so boring, I was starting to get super sleepy. My eyes were getting heavy any minute. But I force myself to open them wide cause I couldn't leave my dad hanging.

Just like earlier this morning...

My sister is had her internship for almost 2 weeks. Every weekend, she would go home and when the sun don't shine on Mondays, my dad would take her to the bus station. Approximately 4 in the morning.

Last week, my little brother accompanied my dad. This Monday, it was my shift. It's not always easy to wake up early. Especially if you slept late. If you do, it's difficult to go back to sleep.

Good thing the word, "cuddle" existed. Few minutes passed, I'm at my deep slumber.

*camera clicking*

The somehow-annoying sound motioned me to open my eyes. The very first thing I saw was my little brother holding my iPhone.

"You didn't." I gave him a death glare.

He stuck his tongue out. "Oh yes, I did. Posting on Instagram and sharing on Facebook and Twitter." He was making loud typing sounds, he really crossed the line.

"Okay, you're gonna get it." Even on my sleepy body, the anger really helped me to get out of the covers and strangle my now-alive brother who would soon be dead any second.

My little brother had this "look" like he really saw a ghost and started sprinting. We run circles around the dinner table for almost five minutes. He was starting to hyperventilate while I still got my game face on. All those hours of cardio, finally paid off by getting revenge.

"Don't you get tired?" He dropped on the ground, coughing as in his life depended on it.

I finally had my victory. I snatched my phone from his hands and looked at the picture he took which was already posted. Even though I was really asleep, I looked okay; cuddling with my stuffed turtle, Bubba.

I sighed. "Okay, for once, you took a good picture. I'll leave you out of your misery."

He stood up from the ground and flashed a smug smile. "Great. Better watch out then."

He ran away, laughing. Well, it better be good. I mean who doesn't love a mean threat in the morning?

Back to traffic...

The sun laid down low, and we're still at the same place. My dad has been cursing every five minutes. He was supposed to have a meeting an hour ago, he would constantly text the person whom he was supposed to meet. Good thing the person had long patience.

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