It's One of the Things (Senior Year Version) Ep. 2

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To all of the future juniors and seniors, I just want all of you to know that I'm not trying to make prom look bad. I mean, we all know prom is one of the most memorable night of every teenager's life. Believe me, I've asked a lot of grown-ups on how their prom was. They say it was fine, nothing special. Heck, my dad's prom happened at his very classroom.

I had two proms by the way. Like I said previously on the last episode. But I'm gonna talk about my prom in my own school.

To tell you the truth, my prom was not that bad. I mean no accidents or anything embarrassing happen. It was really like a blessing that I didn't slipped on my seven-inch heels or any damage ripped on my dress.

But there was really no butterflies or any exciting feeling at all. I think watching prom movies was even better than my actual prom night.

I have to agree, prom is getting overrated. Here are some of the reasons:

1) You end up wasting money on a dress you will probably never wear again.

Okay, this is really quite true. Sure, there are some YouTube videos or Tumblr posts on DIYS and How Tos to revamp prom dresses to make them wear again. But in so many ways, I don't think you can make your evening gown look like a summer dress. Other than that, who would ever repeat wearing the same thing, anyways?

Trust me, even with the best of intentions, you probably won't get many additional wears out of it.

2) Waiting by the door with all you're friends taking pictures and telling how amazing they look aren't as exciting as they seem when you're crammed inside of one with a dozen other people.

Especially if you can't stand a few of your fellow classmates. Good thing I was fashionably late.

3) You're hanging out with teachers on a weekend.

I don't mind hanging out with the teachers on that "special night". But it's an unexplainable feeling why I felt uncomfortable during prom. It was like hidden cameras watching our every move. That's why it wasn't all that fun.

But what really pisses me off is what happened on the dance floor. Get this: While we were dancing, teachers were lined up on the other end, watching us cautiously. Like police officers waiting for a crime to happen. Especially during the slow dance. My English teacher came to me and my partner. She re-adjust my hands holding my partner's neck, telling it was too close. Arggghhhh!

You know what, I'm not gonna curse. Nope.

I'm trying my best to understand that I studied in a Catholic school. But at least give us some credit that we didn't make out.

4) The music usually sucks.

You know what sucks the most? Not only the music sucks, the DJ was just a waiter of the hotel. It was a good thing the guys had some really cool beats with them. Party party!

5) And the dancing sucks, too.

Dancing for teens today is jumping as high as you can to the music. It's quite the adrenaline rush. Surely, it's a piece of cake for the gentleman but for the ladies? It's pretty difficult to jump up and down in high heels. Around 11 pm, girls are already on their seats with their feet up in the air. It was a good thing I brought my dancing shoes with me. Not only it's super comfy to wear but also not too intimidating for the guys when dancing with them. (It's really awkward to dance with guys in your skyscraper heels.)

6) The whole concept of a Prom King and a Prom Queen is so old-fashioned and annoying.

Tell me about it.

Let's be real, it's a big fat popularity contest. And a super hetero one, too. Prom is all about having fun and being carefree. Not another beauty pageant. We have about 355 students in our batch. Honestly, most of us had no idea who will be our prom king and queen. We were pretty shocked when we knew who won. Some were not so satisfied but c'est la vie.

It was quite funny when me and my partner won Couple of the night.

For real?!

In the first place, we weren't even a couple. (Well, we had a little something way back but jeez, that was two years ago.) They probably gave us the award just because my partner escorted me to the restroom back and forth and pulling the chair for me all the time. In other words, he was really a gentleman. (We were just trying to practice proper social etiquette. I mean, it was for our grades in TLE.)

7) Everyone is sort of waiting for the after party the whole time anyway.

True dat! That's where things really go down.

But I couldn't attend that time cause my feet freakin' hurts. Can you imagine 8 hours in seven-inch heels? It's just like doing 2 minutes of plank. (Doing the plank is no joke. It's painful as hell.)

8) And then when you arrive at after party you realize that it is just a debauchery fest.

One of the reasons I didn't attend the after-party. It's nothing but bad influences and horrible vices. Like I said, doing something stupid on your last year of high school is a huge no-no.

At least, you find out a lot more than you ever needed to know about your fellow classmates. Yikes.

9) There's all this unnecessary pressure for this night to be ultra meaningful and then you end up thinking you did prom wrong if it wasn't the highlight of your high school career.

So true! I can't even tell what was the highlight of my high school career. There's so many significant events happening in high school (good grades, winning competitions, school activities) and prom is not the one shining always.

I know I like to take pictures but I wasn't really in the mood that night. Even beforehand, my classmates were all gathered up and looking for the perfect ensemble while I'm just sitting there, doing nothing but reading stories on Wattpad.

I was already aware of this statement cause I've been to hundreds of parties and social events. They end up the same thing as always.

Don't worry, it's seriously okay if it isn't.

10) You'll probably end up super hungry by the time the festivities die down.

McDonald's, Here I come!



Do you agree with me, loves?

All of a sudden, I'm addicted to porn.

Word porn that is. I think it makes me smart and sexy. And smart is the new sexy. *winky wink*

Spontaneous days are getting more surreal every single day.

I was doing some HIIT workout that breathing wasn't an option. I looked like I was hyperventilating by the possession of the devil or something. Suddenly, my best couz surprised me in my house telling me to get ready cause we were going to watch the movie she was dying to see. I forced myself to take a quick five-minute shower. Good thing I trained myself to pick out a great outfit in three minutes.

There were so many people at the mall just because it was the first day of a 3-day sale. First stop: McDonald's! (This is so not helping with my diet.)

The movie is really not that bad. Quite refreshing actually for a movie which was inspired from a tagalog novel which I'm not a big fan. Don't judge a book by it's cover, it is.

Alright, gotta snooze. I have a 5 am jog and HIIT workout tomorrow. We have to leave by 1 pm cause duty calls. (I love my job!)

Till the next odyssey!

-Captainnamerika 😘

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