Chapter Eleven (Part 1)

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*huge sigh* Nothing like chilling in a Chinese restaurant with a cup of hot tea while writing this chapter for dinner. It's been a tiring day for me. I haven't got any sleep today.

"Captainnamerika, wake up!"

Ugh! Every time. I seriously hate waking up in the morning. It's like I wanna leave the sun unconscious for a while and let the moonlight simmer a bit. But I won't blame them. I kinda had a rough night last night.

Here's what totally happened:

I was in my study nook.

After dinner, I decided to have an unexpected movie night with my stuffed toy, Cuddles and a pack of Nova Country Cheddar flavored chips (my fave: totally healthy, delicious and guilt-free.) I decided to watch my all-time favorite horror movie, The Uninvited and end it with my go-to rom-com 90s movie, Clueless. (Oh I'm gonna see my BFF, Cher Horowitz!)

I opened my Macbook Pro and clicked on Safari. I encoded the website that lets you watch free movies (It's like Netflix but so much cheaper.) and started looking for the movies to watch. The movie was already starting and my SkullCandy headphones were already attached to my ears. I was in a no-disturb-sign mode when suddenly my dad took the headphones away.

"What's the deal, dad? I'm trying to watch a movie!"

He smiled at himself for annoying me (he's just like a kid.) and pulled out a disc.

"I bet this is much more interesting than watching that horror movie of yours which you watched like a hundred times."

Alright, now he's being sarcastic.

"Let me clear this for you, daddy." I explained. "First of all, you're overacting. This is the third time I've watched this movie since 2009. And second of all, I'm sure this movie is much more interesting than that disc your holding. What is it anyways?"

I felt proud for that little speech I made and irritated at the same time just for the fact that my dad is picking an argument with me at 8 pm.

"This disc I'm holding is like a little CCTV footage of your prom night, baby. It came with your report card plus the pictures of your prom night and graduation day."

I felt my body was shot by a freeze ray that left me unmovable.

Oh, no. I'm toast.

My dad's smile grew wider. "What's wrong? Did you do something inappropriate? Perhaps with your partner?" He teased.

I smacked his arm. "Of course not! Nothing happened."

"Then I wonder why they made you guys Couple of the Night. Out of 178 couples, they chose you two?" My dad asked in disbelief.

"I will say this one last time, dad. I told you that the reason we won was just because he escorted me back and forth to the restroom. No more, no less."

He had a face of a police officer who wouldn't believe at the criminal's statement. I suddenly feel that I'm inside of an interrogation room.

We had like a five-second staring contest. I let him win this time cause I wasn't really in the mood. All I wanted was to watch the f-ing movie! I guess 10 minutes wouldn't hurt.

I gave up my hands as I said, "Fine, we'll watch it. Let me assure you though that nothing peculiar happened that night."

"We'll see." He winked.

My dad inserted the disc and sat beside me on the bed. It was still loading then all of a sudden, I started sweating. In all seriousness, I'm not worried of being caught doing something naughty like the Celebrities Exposed. Even if they put me on surveillance for the next 8 hours, they wouldn't caught me being a bad girl. I do it at home. Cause it's dangerous. (So ironic.) I'm worried if I look like a sweaty pig or a hangover mess at the camera. A lot of things was running on my mind.

"Does my hair look okay?"

"Is walking in seven inch heels a bad idea?"

"Was there lipstick on my teeth?"

My 101 questions was interrupted when the first screen came rolling in.

Here goes nothing.

Well, it was aight. Nothing unusual or strange showed up; even our teachers was constantly threatening us since graduation practices when they saw the video first and claims a lot of dirt was caught between the students.

As if!

The main thing that caught my attention was the funny reactions of my classmates (like random stuff.) and the fact that the camera is always focused on me. I gotta admit, my theory was true. I'm not bad. As a matter of a fact, I looked like a hot devil disguised from my angelic feathery, white chiffon dress.

Ten minutes passed. . . and my dad is already zzzzzzzz.

I chuckled and left the room quietly, not making a sound. I finally had the freedom to watch the movie.

Between the horror movie, I was constantly chatting at three of my guy friends. Talk about multitasking!

All a while, I mentally groaned. I remembered that we're leaving early morning for a roadtrip. I had to take a shower since it's already 1 am cause I'm not really into cold water splashing on my skin at 4:30 in the morning. It reminds me of a lazy Monday on a school day.

The movie Clueless was already coming to an end when Cher and Josh were kissing after she got the bouquet of flowers from the wedding reception. (So romantic!) Which reminded me that what if there was a sequel to the movie? (which was such a shame it didn't have one.) If there was, my best guess that Cher is in college and having the time of her life with her friends especially Tai and Dionne. Especially Josh, which I predict that they're going to get married. So is Dionne and Murray.

So much for the details, I have to take a shower and get to bed. I definitely don't want to have bulging eye bags on my face. I shut down the computer and went straight to the dresser. I realized that I didn't had any exercise. Despite the late night watching and Nova chips, I don't see why not do something physical. Since I was tired, I just did a five-minute HIIT and Ab workout. I felt I had enough and just call it a night. . .or day. I just took a shower with my new loofah. Due to my tiredness, I even had the urge to rap.

After it was all over, I still can't believe I had to wait like an hour to let my hair dry. I got used to let it air dry than blow dry it. I did a lot of damage to my hair and I don't want to make it worse. Oh well, Tweet away.

As always, I couldn't remember what happened after a few minutes. Even in my sleep, my mind was aware that I fell asleep with my iPhone still in my hands and my my hair was still wet. What can I say? C'est la vie it is.


This is just the Part 1 of the chapter. Part 2 will be tomorrow.

Nothing much happened. Well, who am I kidding. Don't excite yourselves. What happened today will be the 411 of this chapter till the next.

I really need to sleep. My eye bags are getting bigger by any second now.

Nighty-night, loves!

Till the next odyssey!

-Captainnamerika 😘

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