Chapter Three

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Before you read this, I just want you to know that frozen Chocolate Creme Oreos is the 💣.com!

I kinda feel bad that our playboy and athlete doesn't have a name. So let's call the Playboy, Frankie Birnbaum and the Athlete, Isabella Percy. This is just for the sake of the readers (that's you!) so that no confusion will be made.


Seven years have passed and it just feels like yesterday. The playboy and the athlete graduated from college with flying colors. As always, it wasn't the end but a new beginning.

Keeping his adventurous side, Frankie Birnbaum planned to travel halfway across the world to find his place after graduating. Since his epic mishap at the theatre, he decided to have a fresh new start. At the first place, he hated drama. For him, no one, even God is to blame for his good looks or his undeniable charisma. But since the world is cruel and superficial, he decided to stay humble about it. Though, he decided to keep his flirtatious side and classic charm with the ladies. For now, he's just going to enjoy his independency wherever life can take him without anyone telling him to do so.

It was a busy day as always at JFK. His heart begins racing the moment the black Mercedes pulls into the airport parking lot. The smell of jet fuel, automobile exhaust, and hot tarmac combine to assault the senses with images of exotic escapes and the kind of freedom that can only come from airports.

Frankie felt the thrum of the engines at takeoff and the vibration of the plane during the flight in his skin. He sees people listening to MP3s and playing video games. He hears a couple behind him chatting about the weather in Florida and the possibility of rain. He recognizes the smell of fading perfume that hot, sexy women in super dark glasses and high heels are wearing. Chanel, Windsong and White Diamonds clash with the smell of popcorn and Subway sandwiches.

"Huh, so this is going to be the fresh new start I'll be living with. Can't wait." He mentally thought.

He sat at the waiting area of the airport and, well, waited.

Traveling wasn't really his thing. But he felt there's nowhere to go at his hometown and he needed to go someplace liberating before settling down. He wants to try out having different jobs just to earn money to pay for rent and all his needs for now and the future. He wants to meet someone foreign and spend the hot evening air at the disco, dancing the swing or boogie.

He was snapped back to reality at the whir of wheels on marble and concrete mixed with the mechanical, yet pleasant, voice on the public address system calling all passengers that flight 146 is now boarding at gate 11.

It was his plane. He clutched his backpack and thrown it on his left shoulder and grabbed his black Samsonite suitcase and made his way to gate 11.

Underneath the functional surface is an undercurrent of excitement, anticipation, impatience, and boredom. He hears snippets of conversation from people passing him on their way to the next gate.

All of a sudden, cold beads of sweat started running down on his forehead. He didn't know why he was starting to get nervous. It was his first time to hop on an airplane and go someplace his deep brown eyes have never seen. He just ignored it and wiped his sweat with the back of his hand.

He gave his boarding pass to the blonde flight attendant whom he didn't give any attention even she was practically flirting with her ice blue eyes at Frankie.

"Have a great flight, Mr. Birnbaum." She beamed her million-dollar smile and gave a short wink at Frankie.

He gave her a small smile and left the attendant disappointed. Oh well, rejection was an unfortunate and unavoidable part of life. Frankie didn't want a steamy hookup at the airport for a fresh start. Besides, he wasn't in the mood due to his nervousness.

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