Word count: 2863
"Honest Jace I do love you it's just. Maybe we need a brake?" Those words tear into my chest and rip apart my heart.
"What do you mean a brake. What about prom?"
"Can't you find someone else to go with?"
"How it's tomorrow?" I nearly yell.
"Well I'm gonna go with Steven so if you're not going then can I get your ticket."
With that I hang up on him.
What an asshole. I think as tears begin to weld in my eyes.
You know what fuck him. I'm not some girl I'm not gonna cry about it.
I think taking all the pictures of us off my wall and throwing them away.
I'm not gonna eat ice cream and cry while watching the notebook.
I think as I wipe away what I'm gonna call eyeball sweat and discard every sappy card, every stupid toy, every memory I had with that ass hole.
I'm a guy, not only that I'm the quarterback and captain of the football team.
What was I thinking getting involved with a stupid Gothic reject in the first place.
Fuck him. And fuck me for giving a shit.
I punch the wall.
After all I gave up.
I came out for him. I gave up parties and friends. All for that asshole.
I punch the wall again and pull away in pain.
I sit on the bed lowering my head.
I loved him.
"Jace?" I hear my little sister's friend Adam call out to me.
"Abby's at a birthday party." I tell the eight year old.
He only walks into my room and sits next to me.
"Don't worry Jace, I'll go to prom with you." He says and I smile turning to him.
I ruffle his blond hair.
"I don't think so." I tell him and he frowns.
"Well I never liked Sebastian anyways. When ever you weren't looking he always flipped me off." He says and I chuckle.
"And now you can be my boyfriend and we can get married and live in a big house." He says childishly.
I smile.
"Come on. Let's go get some ice cream." I tell him and he smiles jumping off the bed.
We sit at a Dairy Queen as I wait for our food as he quickly eats the ice cream like only a kid could.
He swings his feet happily as he sings the theme song to pokemon though mouthfuls of ice cream.
I smile before joining in as he started over.
"I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was." I say childishly and he smiles happily.
Suddenly I see Sebastian and Steven happily walking in like an married couple and the sight makes me sick.
As he orders ice cream with the linebacker.
I frown.
I hadn't noticed that Adam had stopped singing until he stands up and runs over to them.

1001 LOVE STORIES(book Of Oneshots)
RomanceThis is a story of boyxboy/ manxman one shots (some small series) Some fluffier then others but I promise you'll love. Each story isn't like any that come before and each is special. There's a little bit everything in them and they're all worth the...