Word count:3224
(This is actually one of my favorite stories and I really enjoyed watching so please read all four parts of Problems)
"Hi guys. My names Jason and I'm a huge, monumental, colossal pervert."
The room is silent for a moment before Mrs. Grady leads the group with you're standard.
"Hi Jason." Although the eyes on me still shows hate.
"It started when I was thirteen and Jessica from my class started to develop. I bullied her a lot and one day I grabbed her by her shirt causing it to undo and I saw her bra. I'm not sure if it was the look of absolute fear or the sight of her flower training bra. But that day something in me clicked and I had a problem.
All throughout middle school I would seek into the girls bathroom and if I was ever caught guilt trip people with my dad home life. But eventually that stopped working.
I used to still my faster sisters underwear or spy on them in the showers. I got the put out of a lot of foster homes." I say rubbing the back of my head in embarrassment. Although a few women looked at me like I didn't have the right to be embarrassing but I probably don't.
"Then that graduated to "bumping" Into women on the street and riding the subway four hours just for an opportunity to rub against a girl.
I'm not sure which I liked better the ones that put up a fight of the ones who stood there and took it awkwardly shuffling. And that changed to following them and eventually my first, time. Now I'm not a rapist. I'd never force myself on a woman. Rapist are sick and no woman deserves to be, I'm going on a rant. No my first time doing that in front of a woman.
Her name was Gwen and she was stunning and we were the last two people on the train and she called me disgusting and left.
I've only been arrested twice, once for sexual battery and once for indecent exposure. I guess most people think that predators are big Hawking old creeps but thats not true. I'm twenty three. In great shape, women think I'm cute and I hold a decent job. If anyone asks then I say I was arrested for public urination and a spiteful girlfriend.
I was content.
Then I met Owen.
More like Owen thrown himself in my life and I'd tell you. All the prison time all the hate I could have got would have been better. You could give each and every woman I violated a base ball bat and look the other way while they beat the snot out of me and I would be fine at the near mention of Owen.
But let's get into the story.
A month ago I was up to my normal routine of riding the L train waiting for him before noticing the blonde in formal wear and long black leggings.
She had curves that could make a unturned jealous and he'd be my next target.
She seemed like one of those girls who'd probably like it or turn around and slap me but either way. I was hard in anticipation.
I slowly but move over to her. Waiting to the moment before the door opens incase something goes wrong and I needed to make a quick escape.
But the moment I get to her I grab her ass only it's a lot firmer than I thought.
Either way she looks non effected by it. Until it hits me. What I was feeling wasn't the slick telling of her work skirt. But jeans.
And at that moment I felt the hand around my throat and the moment the door opens I'm pulled off the train.

1001 LOVE STORIES(book Of Oneshots)
RomanceThis is a story of boyxboy/ manxman one shots (some small series) Some fluffier then others but I promise you'll love. Each story isn't like any that come before and each is special. There's a little bit everything in them and they're all worth the...