Word count: 1265
I sit in the office once again in trouble for fighting. Other then a cut on my cheek and a bruised knuckles I was relatively fine for fighting three people. When the door to the principle's office open I stand up preparing myself for the lecture.
Suddenly a guy steps out. He's tall. With black hair and stunning ocean blue eyes. He seems serous but his eyes says more. He was stunning. So stunning my heart stops the moment our eyes meet.
"So we'll get you someone to show you around the school." Mr. Macen says and I stand up.
"I'll do it." He looks at me before frowning.
"With all do respect he looks like nothing more then a ruthless delinquent." He says and my heart brakes.
Did I just fall in love with him? I think.
"No I'm not just tripped, down a flight of stairs." I lie only to get a look of disbelief.
"Really isn't that right Mr. Macen?" I say silently begging for him to help me.
"Really Kade he's a nice guy if you get to know him?" He says and I smile happily.
"He then smiles slightly. I'm sorry for making assumptions." He says walking over to me and holding out a hand.
"I'm Kade." He says and I take it happily.
"I'm Reed." I tell him with a smile.
Ok operation Make a good impression on Kade for long enough for him to fall madly in love with me. Is a go.
I walk out of the office and Instantly someone starts to laugh.
"So Fag face's got a boyfriend." He says and this annoys me. Everything in me tells me to just walk over to him and punch him and keep punching but I don't want Kade to think I'm just some delinquent.
"You have the face of scum." He tells me and I look down. Why was I even trying clearly it was fait for everyone to hate me.
"Yeah you don't say." I say looking down he then picks my head up by my chin.
"Why?" He says looking into those eyes. My heart takes off.
"You look like you're nothing more then filth. That was what made me assume such things about you. But your eyes are kind, loving. You're a good person so try to show it on your face." He tells me letting go and I blush.
"Wow he is a fag too." Someone else says.
"You shouldn't get to close to me, people will start rumors." I tell him and he looks kind of concerned.
"I'm gay." I tell him and I except him to walk away. Call me disgusting and storm off.
"So." He says and my heart flutters.
"You can't change it so don't say it like there's something wrong with you." He tells and I smile.
Time skip
I sit on the roof next to him. Two months, its been two months since we've met, since I fought anyone. I don't think I loved him then. I couldn't have possibly because now my feelings are ten times stronger and if that was love I have no way to explain how I feel now.
"Kade." I say turning to him only to catch him starring at me like he wanted to say something.
"I'm tired of you pretending not to notice. How people talk, what they say, what they do." I tell him.
I'm tired of you getting hurt because you're my friend." I tell him and suddenly I want to cry.
"You can't expect me to see the bruises and not want to bash the faces of the idiot's that hurt you. But I don't want you to think I'm some kind of delinquent and not want to talk to me." I tell him starting to cry.
"I don't care what they say or do to me but I want to strangle the life out of the one's that hurt you." I tell him honestly.
"So I can't be your friend anymore. You can tell everyone that you beat me up when I confessed feelings for you and maybe they'll leave you alone." I tell him and he looks at me before smiling slightly.
"Not happening." He says causing my heart to flutter. He then begins to unbuttons his shirt and I perk up.
Until I see the scares that cover his chest.
In a pattern of all caps reads FAG. Across his chest. Then covering his arms thousands of little cuts and then vertical ones going from his wrist up. This makes me cry.
"At my old school kids weren't a lean on homosexuality as they are here. One day some guys in my gym class thought I was looking at them and held me down and carved it into my chest. I remember screaming and screaming for help but no one cared enough to help me.
When it was over I told the principal and he didn't care. Wouldn't even let me leave school to see a doctor. There was so much blood and it covered my clothes and I got labeled a distraction and suspended. For bleeding. I went home and tried to finish off what they didn't.
My mother found me and didn't care enough to get help only had my brothers throw me the street like trash. The neighbor called an EMS. When I got in I had lost so much blood I had to get a transfusion and soon after that I was kicked out.
But I sued the school and moved. I live on my own now." He says with a smile.
" It doesn't matter what they do to me here because I've been through worse. A punch to the face and a few harsh words are heaven compared to that." He tell me and I start to cry. How could someone hurt something so beautiful?
He only pulls me into a hug letting me cry into his chest.
"And I know you fight a lot. You protect yourself. When I called you a delinquent, I just thought that you were another stupid bully."
"I love you even if you beat people up." He says and I pull away from him.
"He looks so calm in collected while i cried my eyes out."
"I could tell from the first time we met that you liked me. I thought it was cute." He says smiling.
I blush and he smiles.
He then lifts my head kissing my nose before moving down to my lips.
I almost instantly grab him forcing my lips on him more.
"Can you promise me something?" He asks and I smile.
He only takes his hand placing it on his heart. I feel the tender thump of his heartbeat.
"You're the only reason my heart still beats. So keep loving me." He tells me and I take his hand placing it on mine.
"Yeah." I tell him and he kisses me softly.
Time skip.
I knock on the apartment door and soon enough he opens the door.
I give him a soft smile as he looks over my battered body.
"I told my dad. He wasn't happy." I tell him and he opens his arms for me and I hug him.
"I know its stupid but I'm happy." I tell him and he makes me look at him.
"I'm happy because you've all I have now. So the only one I have left is happiness." I tell him and he kisses the top of my head.
"Lets build a family." He suggest and I smile. Yeah.

1001 LOVE STORIES(book Of Oneshots)
RomanceThis is a story of boyxboy/ manxman one shots (some small series) Some fluffier then others but I promise you'll love. Each story isn't like any that come before and each is special. There's a little bit everything in them and they're all worth the...