Perfect (88)

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Word count:3679

I was good.

I was fucking good.

No I didn't give half my paycheck to charity or fed the homeless regularly but I was fucking good.

I gave my seat to those who needed more on the train.

I shared my umbrellas with strangers on the street.

I shared food when someone wanted it.

So why am I here.

What did I do in another life to deserve this.

The pain gripped me. It felt like acid  was eating away at the inside of my skin.

I was being burned from the inside out and there was nothing I could do about it.

The pain was excruciating. I wanted to faint from the pain or die. What ever could give me the release.

I was good.

I wasn't a Saint but I didn't deserve this form of hell.

Suddenly the heavy metal door squeaks open and for a moment I thought he was here. To take me for more test more pain.

But the moment I felt those soft hands, gripping my face I know it's Sébastien.

I open my eyes to see those shining blue eyes and sigh.

He always came with relief. He always took the pain away. Or at least tried his best to.

His blue eyes where the only sharp contrast of color to his pale appearance.

His hair was a near white blonde and snow like pale skin. He always seemed to wear a white lab coat and the white under clothes and the white cotton gloves.

"It burns." I manage to choak out before he pauses reaching into the small black bag he seemed to carry with him always.

He then hands me two white pills and I swallow them wanting relief now but knowing that's not how it works.

With that he leaves and I only sit on the s hard concrete and wait for the pills to kick in and sleep to take me.

Before this I was normal. A nice job and a nice home. I was the fun uncle to my nephews and visited my mom regularly.


Sebastian's POV

I shut the door and sigh.

He shouldn't be here. No one should, but not Jack.

I scouted Jack for two years before now. He was always confident. He was the type people wanted to hang out with.

He was popular with the staff and customers alike. The three times he got promoted you new he earned them because cutting corners or brown nosing wasn't his style.

He was handsome, smart, athletic, kind.

He was perfect.

So perfect I wasn't surprised that he was the one they wanted.

They loved their perfect test subjects.

I didn't want it to be him.

I lied on his report.

About his diet, his behaviors, I said I suspected he was a drug user. But they still took him.

He was still so much better then anyone else they scouted.

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