Existing Pt.2

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Word count: 4192

Uh sorry this chapter took so long I just wanted it to be perfect.

Jess's POV

"Its hard to describe. I don't always want to be a girl. Nor do I want to always be a guy." I tell Zack as we lay on his bed.

We lay next to one another only in opposite directions.

He turns to face me and I do so too.

"I get it. Everything isn't so black and white. You live in a gray area." He says and I smile.

I loved talking to him. It felt like he was the only one in the world who understood me. He was the only one I could tell my deepest feeling to and get a response from someone who felt the same way.

Strangely as I look at him. My heart flutters slightly. It felt right now everything was perfect. As though I was existing in some different world together.

He smiles slightly before sitting up and turning to me. I do the same and I turn to him.

He just stairs at me for a moment and I feel as though having him looking at me was fixing all the damage the world had done to me.

This was one of those days were neither of us dressed up so I look at all his masculine features. He was one of the few People who could look do much like a girl you can't tell his isn't then look like a guy with no signs of feminine qualities.

"Jess. Your eyes are beautiful." He whispers lightly smiling warmly. I can feel myself blushing at this.

"You say that every time I come over." I tell him chuckling slightly.

"Yeah I just don't want you to forget." He says with a kind smile.

Zach was nineteen and you could tell that he was an adult and honestly sometimes it felt hard seeing him like that. Weather it be him coming back from a hard day at his job. Or studying for some college thing. The hardest moments being those days were I want to talk for hours with him about nothing only to find him ever so slightly falling asleep.

I knew it would be selfish for me to keep him up but sometimes I just wanted to talk to him.

I know he tries his hardest to make time for me and I still had Ted and Parker and even Nick at times but non of them were him.

"What's on Your mind." He asks and I force my wondering mind back to the here and now.

"I don't know. I guess I'm afraid that sooner or later you'll get tired of me coming around or get too busy for me." I tell him honestly.

We had gotten to the point where he knew when I was lying and we both knew how that would go.

"Awe. I'll never get tired of you. You're my number one priority." He says.

"No I don't feel right being number one. Maybe three. Yeah number three priority." I tell him and he chuckles.

"School, work, then me." I tell him and he smiles before pulling me into his chest.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You're more important than all of those things. You're more important than myself." He tells me and I blush.

"Well you're pretty important to me too. Its Ted, then Parker, then you." I tell him.

"Wow. And here I am loving you with all my heart and I'm not even second best." Hear says and I smile at the thought of him loving me.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with coming in third."

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