watched part 3

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Word count:1429

"He's, your dad." He says and stupidly its more painful then I'd imagined. I remember a dumb ass ten year old asking him if he could be my dad.

I remember him putting a hand on my head and telling me that. "If I wanted it he'd be my dad. To think the whole time the awhile was.

"Me and Mary were both best friends and both liked the dick. Then they begin to see eachother and I let it happen. I was smart enough to know when to quit.

Six months later you were on the way and he didn't want to be a dad. His parents would kill him. Truth was. He didn't want the responsibility.

I then stood up to take responsibility.

Her parents just believed it. We were always together and just told them that we were hiding a relationship because we were young and scared.

Four months later we were having our very own at home shotgun wedding.

But she was still seeing him.

She was still sneaking around with the guy who got her pregnant and ditched her.

But I didn't care because I had you. My very own bouncy baby.

That's all I wanted the internal love.

Then years later.

Us happened.

He came over to see her and we stupidly bonded over our son.

We'd leave. Let her be happy and me and him could raise you. I stupidly fell for it all and when we were caught. He played the victim.

Me and my sick homo was spreading to me and he proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of me. Because it was easier.

In small towns nothing stays hidden.

I was always the fall guy.

For her shortcomings then his.

I shutted up and took it once why not again right.

Why not pretend that I was the only one in that bed.

I had fucked myself before.

She told her parents and they told mine. I was divorced and disowned in the same breath. I couldn't work. I couldn't hid from everyones knowing look.

So I just fucking ran. I ran, but before I did. Do you remember the last thing I said to you?" He says and I pause.

The last thing he said to me?

"No." I answer.

"I asked you not to hate me like everyone else. Because I'd die if you hated me too. That you were my only reason to live." He says and guilt punches me in the stomach leaving me winded.

"John. I." He only looks away.

"I know. You love me. You love me now. But its like. You and that sweet six year old are too different people. And I still want my son back. I love you but. I miss him." He says and I place my head on his.

"I'm sorry. But I can't bring that boy back."

But I'll always love you." I tell him and he only smiles.

"Yeah I know. We had this conversation


"God I'm tired." I say as John looks around.

"Are you sure they're gone and not just hiding in a closet somewhere?" He asks and I smile.

"Its been two weeks. Plus my little brother starts school today. There're no doubt sending him off.

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