mirrors (9)⭐

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Word count:2089

Liam and I never looked alike.

From the day I was born Liam has always been better.

I was born with intrauterine growth restriction. Which means there wasn't enough nutrients for the both of us.

So Liam was a healthy eight pounds, I was only three.

As kids you'd think that we we're really close. That we had a bond that no one could really understand.

You'd think that we where the best of friends.

That wasn't true. At least not any more.

When we where younger he was a real life super hero.

He protected me when I was afraid and was always there.

Until one day when we we're six we stopped sharing a room and he stopped having time for me.

Liam was normal. So he had normal friends and acted like a normal kid.

I however was small and shy.

I would beg for him to stay with me but playing baseball and video games with his normal friends won over playing make believe with his little brother.

When we started middle school he became popular meanwhile I stayed in the back trying to fade out of existence.

But even though he seemed to have forgot about my existence I till looked up to him.

When he played sports or got good grades. I was happy happy that weather he liked it or not I was apart of that.

Then it happened. During our third week of our sophomore year.

He had just answered an advanced chemical analysis that I couldn't even begin to understand and as usual I was admiring him when suddenly.

"Oh my God Matty, you homo why the hell are you staring at Liam like that! " Some girl says and I blush having been accused of looking at my own brother that way.

"No it's not like that we're;" Suddenly I look up to find Liam glaring at me.

"You disgusting fag." He says and I fell my heart shatter.

At that moment it was apparent. He wasn't my brother.

I feel tears starting to weld in my eyes as I stand up and run out of class.

The next day the rumors had began to spread that I was a disgusting homo who was visually raping the most popular guy in school.

We shared nothing but the same eye and hair color even though mine was longer and he kept his short.

Over time people would wonder if we where related regarding our shared last name.

One day I overheard him talking about it.

"Jasons is a pretty common last name."

That was the last time I spoke to my brother.

Even though we lived in the same house we lived in two different worlds.

I began to focus on my grades and became a straight A student.

That brings me to today.

The first week of my senior year.

I sit at the table looking threw the mail when I see it.

The envelope with my name on it.

I open it and read it breathlessly.

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