Word count: 2894
"OK class, who would like to pick up on page 23?" Mr. West says and the normal seven people raise their hands, including Autumn.
Beautiful, smart, sweet, beautiful, kind, stunning, beautiful, day-making Autumn with her silky soft, long black hair and golden eyes that you could get lost in.
I pray that he picks her so I can get lost in her angel like voice.
"Evan." He calls on that little nerd in the front.
"Seriously no one wants to listen to his annoyingly pitched voice for two plus paragraphs," I complain out loud.
"Oh well, would you care to read Jay?"
"No, I would not," I say leaning back in my seat.
"Can you even read?" Evan says and I nearly fall. This causes the class to start to laugh including my angelic goddess."
"Keep making jokes and I'll knock your teeth down your throat." I threaten and he looks away.
"That's enough Jay. You can pick up on page 23." He says and I roll my eyes.
"I'm good."
"Jay! Now." He says and I look at the mess of letters that refused to form anything comprehensible.
"Honestly Mike. Let Daffy duck read since he was so eager." Evan instantly turns red with anger.
"You know what." He says angrily.
"Yeah. I'm despicably despicable." I say and the class erupts in laughter.
"Jay office now."
Mr. West says angrily and I stand up.
I stand in the mess of a lunch line exactly behind my Cinderella as she talks with friends.
"I mean he's cute in all but he's literally as smart as an old shoe." She says about some guy they had nicknamed six one. Probably the guy's hight.
I felt a slight pain thinking she was talking about me. Even if she wasn't.
I mean what would a girl like that want with someone who can bearly read.
"But OK let's say turn out he only plays dumb and turns out he's the smartest guy in the school. Then what."
"Yeah right. Have you ever seen his name in the top test scores? He's a rock."
I sigh.
I know. I'll just study for the next test. And when my name gets on the wall. I'll finally be able to ask her out.
All I need to do is study that stupid book.
That I left in Mr. West's class. Shit.
I walk his class with a set plan.
I have a week until the next test and I doubt I'll make it first place so I'll shoot for at least second.
"Mike," I say opening up his room door only to find him gone and that nerd sitting down reading the book.
He instantly looks up at me before turning back.
"If you're looking for your book it's in the back." He says quietly.
Only the pitch of his voice is different like he was attempting to change it.
I personally found nothing wrong with his voice. Yes, it was different. Slightly high pitched but that was no need to try and change it.

1001 LOVE STORIES(book Of Oneshots)
RomanceThis is a story of boyxboy/ manxman one shots (some small series) Some fluffier then others but I promise you'll love. Each story isn't like any that come before and each is special. There's a little bit everything in them and they're all worth the...