Brothers ⭐

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Word count:1510


"Mom." I ask the moment I walked into the hospital room. She smiles at me before fanning me closer.

I walk over to her and look into the bundle of covers in her arms. The moment I see him my heart flutters. With golden blonde hair and marble sized blue eyes. Nothing like me. With my dark hair and gray eyes.

I instantly smile and the corners of his mouth turns up before a small hand grabs my nose. That moment my little brother had became the most important person in my life.

"What should we call him?" She asks with a warm smile.

"Uh I think Gavin." I tell her and she smiles.

"Why Gavin?" I ask and he smiles.

"I just like it."

"Good morning, Gavin." I say happily peaking over into his play pin.

"Nitty." He says my name in the way a two year old could.

I pull him out of his play pin before kissing his soft pink lips softly.

He in return smiles.

He holds my neck and I smile before sitting him on the floor in his room. I didn't mind that he took my room and I had to take the walk in closet mom called a room.

I wasn't upset that he got a TV before me. Because I loved him.

What I loved most about him was his overly chubby cheeks. When he smiled or laughed it was the cutest thing ever.

I honestly loved him.

The moment I sit down to watch the Saturday morning cartoons mom walks in and pick him up.

"Mom we were gonna watch;"

"That's enough of that."

She says and I sigh.

"Are you ready?" I ask the five year old.

And he smiles with those cheeks.

I return it before pinching them.

"OK Gavin." I say pulling him up.

"Oh Nick, I'm taking Gavin to a mommy and me meeting."

"But mom you said we could have a guys night." I whine.

"Not today Nick maybe next week."

I frown at her.

"Nick. Can I go?" The nine year old asks and I frown. Like i'd make plans with the little bugger just so mother dearest to need to take him to scouts, or something else stupid.

It seemed like every time I wanted to spend time with him she'd get in the way, she'd be there to prevent it.

"No." I tell him but the moment I see those sad blue eyes. The moment I see him pout I give. I loved him.

"OK you bugger go get dressed." I tell him and his eyes light up. I cant help but smile as he runs off to get dressed.

That's just the spell he had on me, no matter how I tried to say no. With a little resistance from those blue eyes I'd collapse like a house of cards.

He rushes back into my room and I smile.

"Are you ready to see the most awesome movie of the decade." I announce happily.

"Yeah!" He shouts. It didn't bother me that he hasn't see any of the movies leading up to this one or that he wouldn't understand the lure or pure greatness because he was my little brother.

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