Word count: 3189
I didn't know what to expect from Santiago but my nerves were on high alert.
Had he found out I was an undercover? Would he be sending an assassin to kill me? A bomb packaged with my name.
Ok Los its cool, you've got this. You've never given anyone a reason to suspect you. Calm down.
The moment my brain even pretends to calm down I'm hit with another tidal wave of what ifs.
What if there's a dirty on the inside who knew of my undercover assignment.
No, they kept it under tight raps just in case. Only two, three people tops new about this.
But what if; Three knocks pull me out of my thoughts and I grab my gun moving slowly to the door.
I better get the biggest raise. I think looking through the peep whole only to see one of Santiago's body guards. I slide my gun into my belt and open the door.
"The Don's waiting down stairs for you." He says in a voice that lacks anything that could make him human.
I nod before walking past him. At any point I expect a gun to the back of the head only it never comes.
When we get to the black limo he opens the door and I climb in.
Sitting inside, swishing around a glass of what I can only guess is scotch.
"Carlos." He says with a warm smile. He sits in a clean white site with a red undershirt matching belt and scarf.
His blonde hair in nearly gelled backwards and he wore grayish shades. I mentally sigh seeing his welcoming smile.
I had only met him twice maybe but as of last month when his father died he became don of his cartel. I had worked closely under his father and originally planned the bust for him.
You can imagine how much hard work and evidence went into getting a conviction only to have him kick the bucket the week before we raided.
We couldn't pin anything regarding the cartel but we had more then enough evidence that the old farts was organizing hits.
All I had to do was sit back and wait to have this stupid character be killed off in some glorious fashion. Then I get the call that the new Don, twenty something year old James Santiago wanted to see me.
"You know Carlos, my father loved you." He starts as the limo starts to move.
"You two were so close and he loved you like a son and strangely his actual son became rather jealous. So I looked deeper into your story and you'd be surprised what some people would be willing to tell me when looking down the of pistol."
He says and my heart drops ten feet.
"So Officer Carlos Moore of the LAPD. I'd like your gun and your phone."
I sigh, although mentally Im screaming.
He pulls out a gun and puts it inches away from my head.
"And don't be stupid. I don't want to ruin my suit." He says and I know I can't win.
I hand him my gun first before handing him my phone.
"This a work phone?" He asks and I shake my head.
He then looks at me. "What's the password?"
"Sophie. My little sister." I tell him and he puts the password in before clicking a few things and then without a speck of emotion throws it out the widow.

1001 LOVE STORIES(book Of Oneshots)
RomanceThis is a story of boyxboy/ manxman one shots (some small series) Some fluffier then others but I promise you'll love. Each story isn't like any that come before and each is special. There's a little bit everything in them and they're all worth the...