Chapter Forty-Seven

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Kim and Tess signed their leases and Kim arranged to pay her rent for a couple of months while she was home for the summer. She had a job lined up to temp for a law firm to see if it piqued her interest. Law school was still something she was considering, and she would have to declare pre-law as a major soon. She just wasn't looking forward to all the extra schooling.

She hung on to Danny's last text like a life-line, anxious to see and talk to him again. Maybe the summer would give them some time together. She wanted to know about his mysterious absence if he was willing to share it with her. She regretted her reaction to his confessions the last time they were together. She could have been more compassionate. He just caught her off guard. His admission about his sister and how much they looked alike freaked her out a little. Maybe someday they could meet. But, she was getting way ahead of herself.

Her exams were next week and then she would be able to go home. She couldn't believe her Freshman year was over. It would be good to get back to her family for a little while. She missed them. They were coming up to help her move her things into the apartment.  She still needed a bed, a desk, and a dresser. More expense. But, at least she would own them. Aside from that, the place was nicely furnished. She couldn't wait to show them around. The two Seniors were moving out next week, and the rooms would be available for her and Tess.

As she was walking across campus to the last of her classes, she heard a voice calling her name from behind her. She turned around to see a guy catching up to her. She realized it was John from her English class. She suspected he had a thing for her, but he had never approached her before.

"Wait up Kim. I'll walk with you. Are you headed to class?"

"Yeah, and I'm sure glad it's the last one."

Kim watched his dark eyes take her in. If she weren't so obsessed with this screwed-up relationship, or lack thereof, with Danny, she might be interested. John's looks were completely the opposite of Danny's-dark where he was fair, brown eyes to his mesmerizing blue and shorter. But, he was good looking and had a dynamite smile.

"I know it's pretty late in the year for me to be asking you this, Kim, but I was wondering if you'd like to take a break from studying this weekend and maybe go to a movie or something."

He was so awkward around her it made her smile and think of the first time she met Danny. She must have that effect on men. Why did her thoughts always turn to him? She liked John and thought it would be a good idea to take a break so she said, "Sure, I'd love to."

"Wow, that would be great. Is Saturday good for you? There are a couple of good movies out in town. Your choice."

"Saturday is fine, and any movie will be a welcome break. Here's my number," Kim said, typing it into his phone. Call me later and let me know what time."

They got to class just as the professor was going over the review sheet. Kim could tell that John was staring at her and not paying attention. Here we go again, she thought. Déjà vu.

After class, John walked her back to her dorm. He was a fascinating guy, and she enjoyed his company more than she wanted to. She hadn't left her emotions open to anyone since meeting Danny. John seemed so straight-forward and uncomplicated. Maybe she should give him a chance. They walked along enjoying the warmth finally coming to Massachusetts when he finally blurted out, "You know I've had a crush on you all year."

Kim's cheeks reddened as she avoided looking him squarely in the eyes. He was so sweet.

"I don't know what to say, John. You've never said anything before."

"Well, at the beginning of the year I saw you a few times with that other guy, Danny, and I thought you were interested in him. And then he dropped out, so I wasn't sure if I had a chance with you."

"I'll be honest with you, John. I was interested in Danny, and we have kept in touch since he went back home. We're not serious about each other or anything like that, at least not now. It's kind of complicated. But, I'm looking forward to our movie this weekend. Thanks for asking me."

At that point, they were back at her dorm. John said he'd call her with a time and she turned to go in. Once inside the door, she looked back at his receding figure. Wouldn't it be nice to have a simple relationship, an uncomplicated boyfriend without all the drama I'm having now? At least I was honest with John about Danny. But I'm not going to isolate myself on the off chance that something may develop with him. One date with someone else will be all right, as long as I don't lead him on if I'm not interested.

When Saturday came, Kim was having second thoughts. John was nice and a movie wouldn't hurt, but she didn't want to give him the wrong impression when her mind was constantly on someone else. But, if things didn't go well between her and Danny, she had to be open to other guys. Summer was upon them, and she wouldn't see John again until the fall. What if he wanted to stay in touch all summer? She would cross that bridge later. It was time for her to have a little fun. Maybe it would do Danny some good to have a little competition, but she couldn't use another guy like that. As friends, maybe, but nothing more serious.

They met at Kim's dorm and walked over to the theater out in town. John was very talkative, telling Kim all about his family and what he was studying. Then he asked her about herself. The contrast with Danny was incredible. With John, everything was out in the open. It took her multiple conversations with Danny to know anything about him. She stopped herself from thinking. She wasn't going to compare the two. She was just going to enjoy the evening.

John bought the tickets, and they walked to their seats just as the lights were dimming. She glanced over her shoulder and almost fainted. She saw the blonde curly locks and the athletic build staring right past her to the screen. She blinked. Of course, it wasn't Danny. How could it be? The episode made her realize how he had gotten under her skin.

John, seeing the blank look on her face, asked her if she was okay.

"Oh, I'm sorry, John. I just thought I saw someone I knew."

That was it. She was going to put the idea of being with Danny to rest as soon as she got home. They were either going somewhere, or they weren't. She couldn't hurt John and she maybe even liked him a bit. She didn't need this complication in her life the weekend before finals.

After the movie was over, she knew she had to fess up. When they got back to the dorm, she told John that she was, in fact, interested in Danny, but she didn't know if it was going anywhere.

"I understand, Kim. Who wouldn't want to be with you?

"I'm sorry, John. You're really sweet and nice and I had a very good time. I don't want to lead you on. I just need to get some things squared away in my life."

John reached over and gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek. "See you for the exam on Monday, Kim. I had a good time tonight."

Kim went inside feeling her life had just been turned upside down. Damn Danny.

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