{Chapter 2}

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|My Protective Vampire|

|Chapter 2|

I'm shocked, this is the place that has been on my mind this whole time. I think that is the reason why I did end up here but how is that possible? Not that I am complaining or anything, I actually like begin here. "Emma" I hear behind me and I recognize the voice impatiently. With a smile on my face I turn around to look at him, his face is filled with shock. Jason is speechless to see me. He looks at me up and down to see how I look. "Wow you look-" He says but can't quite finish his sentence. "Beautiful" He continues still with wide eyes and jaw on the floor. "Thank you" I say and blush a little. He walks closer to me and takes my hand and feels it like is he trying to know if I am really here or not. "How are you here?" He asks trying to process it.

Which I am sure is pretty hard for him, I just died in his arms and I completely understand that he is shocked. "I don't really know for sure" I tell him the truth. I am still trying to process everything and it's getting really hard for me since there are so many things happening in my life and it isn't making my life any simpler than it was. I just came back from the dead, it should be impossible to do but somehow I did with the things I am now capable of doing. "Can I hold you?" He asks like he wants to make sure that I am really here and not his imagination. I probably would do that to when someone I cared about died in front of me and suddenly appears in my house. I nod my head, not know what to say to him, since when did I become this shy around him?

He hugs me like his life depends on it and for some reason I like that. I hug him back and we fall down on the floor still with the arms around each other, we just sit there hugging in silence. I love it when I am in his arms since the last time he held me was when I was dying and that wasn't really romantic. It was horrible I never want to leave him again. Now I only realize that this has been what I have been missing in my life, in the arms of the man I love. The man I love, it has a nice ring on it. I know he loves me since he told me but he doesn't know how I feel. "I love you Jason" I whisper to him out of no where. He had the right to know how I feel about him and I can not deny it any longer.

Jason Black has stolen my heart and I really don't want it back, because my heart belong to him and he can keep it forever. "I love you to Emma" He says as we break the hug. I stare into his eyes and he into mine, I'm lost in them and I've never seen prettier eyes before. Before I know it he slams his lips onto mine, Jason kissed me. This is a dream come true but right now I don't even know what dream is anymore. My life has been so crazy that I can't even keep track on it anymore. His lips are soft and all I want now is more. After awhile he breaks the kiss and we are both panting. "We have to stop now" He says calmly with his husky voice. "Why?" I ask kind of disappointed that we had to stop.

He look into his eyes and for some reason I know that he wants to keep kissing me. "Because I won't be able to stop myself" He says sadly, I don't want him to be sad. "You know this was my first kiss" I tell him trying to cheer him up. I feel one of his hand touch one of my wings, I had forgotten about them for awhile. "Beautiful" He says under his breath. He is admiring them I think but I can tell that he likes my wings, I really do hope he likes them since they are no apart of me now I think, I have no idea if they will even leave or not. "You're a pretty good kisser for you're the fact that this was your first kiss" He says, he really thinks that, I was thinking that I am a horrible kisser. "So you liked it?" I ask him hoping he'd say yes. I start to panic, maybe he didn't like it at all.

What if he did, he will never want to kiss me again. And I really liked my first kiss especially since it was with Jason, the man I am in love with. "I didn't like it" He says and I feel like I want to cry my eyes out by his words. He didn't like my kiss, I should have known sooner. "I didn't like it, because I loved it" He says making me smile brightly. I can tell by his face that he really did love my kiss and to me that is a big deal since this is after all my first kiss. He lifts me up and takes me to the couch where he sissy down and lays me on his lap, he is careful with my wings and makes sure that they aren't hurt. But he does all this without taking his eyes from mine. At this moment I feel like the time has stopped and it's only me and Jason without any problems.

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