{Chapter 9}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 9|

So I'm an angel, a queen and now a goddess, are you kidding me? When does this end? What will I become next? An elephant? No I mean it, it wouldn't shock me if I was an elephant for real. I'm not even gonna bother to be shocked or surprised. I know that this is not the end of the crazy things that are about to happen to me so I'll just save that for later, when the right time comes. Anyway I stare at her, and I think she is even more shocked than I am and it is about me, besides I don't even know her that much. I just met her few minutes ago. "A goddess?" I ask her, I want to know if she has the right girl because I don't think I can ever become a goddess. I don't even know what goddesses do. I have read about many goddesses but I don't think I am fit to be one.

"Yes, it may be hard to believe and quite unrealistic but it is true. When I was growing up I heard legends about a girl who is a goddess and the story tells about a girl with water abilities, I never knew that I would meet the girl in person, anyway I'll teach you to master you powers" she says after coming to her senses. So I am actually a goddess and I have water powers, am I dreaming this or has my life become something else than I thought, when I thought things couldn't get worse, then it got worse. I was here just one minute ago with Jason and the next thing I know is that I am something I can't be again for the third time. Really this has become my life right now and for some reason it doesn't stop, I can't run it so what am I suppose to do? I have no idea what I am suppose to do as a goddess.

I really don't want to be a goddess, I just want to be myself and who I am is just a normal girl with normal everyday problems, I wish I could just turn back time so I could be in the time where the only problem I had was that I didn't have a car, I didn't even have a bike. I have never really liked bikes. The only thing I would regret if I could turn back time is that I would never meet Jason and fall in love with him, and that is a part of my life that I never want erased. But that makes me wonder, since me and Jason are soulmates, would we have met either we later in life if I never got that job at the kindergarten? I got to ask, well that goes onto the list, yep the lest hasn't ended yet, there are only more and more things going on it. Only making it endless.

I need to get this thought out of my head, the thought of me begin a goddess. If I pretend that I never knew it then what are the odds that I will become it. "Anyway, can we discuss something else, that doesn't involve something about me?" I ask them. Victoria looks very confused that I don't want to learn more about this but she will just have to get use it. If she knows something about me and who I am then we better leave it in her head and not out in the open where I can hear them. "Yeah, sure. Well now I have to go but don't worry Emma I will be back and taking you shopping" she says very exited. Oh great another shopping trip, could this get any worse or what? My feet barely survive the last one. She goes to hug Jason and she whispers something in his ear, but she says it to low for me to hear so she is no leavening me with a questionable look on my face.

She leaves in a hurry. Now it is time for me to scold the love of my life. "Why in the world didn't you tell me you had a sister? Do you have more siblings? Did you tell be few weeks ago that your family was all murdered? Do you not trust me enough?" I continue to ramble on an on questioning Jason, not even allowing him to speak. He has a guilty look on his face and he should be. While I talk I can feel tears run down my eyes like rivers. The feeling of him not trusting me hurts my heart so much, I feel horrible now. All this time I really thought that he trusted me but I guess he doesn't trust me as much as I thought. Jason wipes my tears with his thump.

"Emma, I promise you that I do trust you, trust you with my whole life. I didn't want to complicate things between us by telling you about her" He says to me with a very calm voice. How in the living world can he be this calm? I am freaking out here. Right now there is noting that makes sense to me, the only thing I know is that Jason has some serious explaining to do and I want to hear every single word of it. Just when I am about to understand the situation of everything, something comes up and I am left with a mind full of questions that unfortunately can't be answered. And that is really a bummer.

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