{Chapter 3}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 3|

"Well it all started the year of 561, I was given the name Vampyr Black. I was born into a wealthy family but unfortunately my family were murdered. That night when I found them I promised myself that I would get revenge on the people who took my family away from me. My siblings, and my parents. I became cold hearted after I killed the man that slaughtered them in cold blood" He says like he is remembering what really happened. He has gone through so many terrible things, I can not imagine what he went through when he found his family dead. "At the age of nineteen I lived all by myself but at that time the houses were very weak, when the cold winters came I was the only one who could have a came for shelter. Truth to be told I didn't care about other people than myself. When the winter was past and summer came by I went for a business trip" he says.

That does catch my attention, even after so many years he is still a business man. I guess he has never grown up from that. It is right what they say, some things never chance. "I met a woman that I could use, not that I loved or but I had something better in mind for her. I heard she was the most powerful witch at that time and I used that for my own advantage. I forced her to marry me, so she could not deny any of my requests. I made her do horrible things but one day she had enough of me. She cast a spell on me making me suffer for all the pain that I had cost to her and the people I killed. She planned to make me into a beast. Somehow her spell was ruined and instead of making me a beast she made me into something extraordinary" she says.

Something about this story seems familiar but I can't but my finger on it. I feel like I have heard this somewhere before but I just don't know where or even how I have heard it. "Did she turn you into a vampire?" I ask innocently, I think I know the answer but I still ask him to be sure. I mean she could have turned him into something else, I wasn't even alive back then so how should I know what happened? "Yes she is the one that turned me into a vampire, I was and I am the first of my kind. I with it I got super hearing, speed and strength. I had to feed on blood, for some time I used her to feed me, I knew I couldn't kill her because I would need her in the future. But there was only one problem, the sun burned me nearly killing me" He tells me.

Oh, god. That must have been awful that the sun burns that much it nearly kills you. Jason saw my worried look and chuckles. "You know it did not kill me since I am here with you today" He says, making me realize that he is indeed right. Why am I even worried about it? Maybe it is because the man I love went through pain and that is the last thing I want him to go through. "Like I said the sun burned me so again I forced my witchy wife to do something about it. She cast another spell for me to walk in the sun but after that I killed her, she was useless to me anyway. She had done her job and had not another purpose. But before she died she cast another spell. That one day I would meet a girl I need to protect with my life and that I would grow to love her and she would love me in return" he says.

I wasn't expecting that but I grow a little jealous that he belongs to someone else and not me. "The spells she had cast is that I had a chance to find happiness in live. But at that time I did not believe that there might me a girl who could love a man who kills people. Soon I forgot all about it and never thought of it again until few weeks ago. when I met the girl she was talking about. That was when I met you. Anyway that story comes later on.After few years of drinking people's blood I grew lonely I enjoyed it all alone" he says a little sad. "I talked to another witch I found and she told me a way to so I could make more people like me. Vampires. I turned many people but they did not have the ability to walk in the sun so in order to survive they bowed before me" he tells me proudly. Is he proud that he was like a king to people who did not choose this?

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