{Chapter 7}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 7|

The music is very loud and is coming from this 'bar'. I have heard of bars before but I have never been to one before in my life. "A bar? What are we doing in a bar?" I ask her, this is strange, I never thought Maria was the kind of girl to go to bars. I somehow have strange feeling about this place, the kind of feeling that tells me that I won't like it one bit in this bar. I see people going inside, some of them have formed a line inside, but some walk right past the line. There is a guy who is somehow standing guard and is allowing the people to get inside but few people who are in the line can't go inside. "Emma, this is your chance to have some real fun, have something to drink, dance to the music. You know, the normal stuff" she answers. I'm not so sure about this but how can I be sure if I have not tried it by myself.

Maybe this will be all right, perhaps this won't be like in the movies. "Ok" tell her. I'm kind of nervous to be here, there are so man people that are going inside. "Come on" she says and I follow her, we walk right past all the people who are standing in the line, why are we cutting the line? Maria talks a little with the guy at door then she goes inside the building and I follow close behind. The music is even louder here on the inside than it was on the outside. People are drinking and dancing all around to the music, some are even kissing. The music here is so loud that it is blasting my eardrums, I'm expecting them to start to bleed out. I'm trying as hard as I can to stay very close to Maria since I don't want to get lost, besides I'm pretty sure she knows her way around this place so it's better to be with her right now rather be by myself and completely lost in this huge place.

Something tells me that I won't like this place very much, by the looks of it, I know this place is not for me, I guess I just have to survive this night and never come to a place like this again. Maria takes two glasses from a man that is holding a tray with many glasses, she hands me a class with some kind of a Liquid, does she want me to drink this? This doesn't exactly look yummy to me. But at times likes these I must remember not to judge the book by it's cover, maybe this only looks bad but taste wonderful. There is only one way to know for sure. I take one sip of the liquid thing that is in the glass and I almost throw up, this does not taste very good. It takes a lot of effort for me to swallow, what in the world is this? How can they even serve something like this? Maria drinks this like she is drinking water or something, how can she do that without wanting to throw it all up again?

I think she is liking this, all the people here agree with her about that this is good. I am so sure that this is some kind of a alcohol. I really hope they have water here, other wise I'd have nothing to drink. I feel someone tap my shoulder, I turn around to see who it is. It is a man, he is very creepy. "Would you like to dance?" He asks me. He is very tall so to look at his face I need to look up to see his face. He is also holding a drink but the color on his drink is different from mine which means he has a different kind of alcohol. I have Jason so I think it is best not to dance with some other guy that is a stranger. "No, thank you. Bye" I say as I quickly walk away from him. The deeper inside the house, the more the smell becomes gross. What do people like in this bar? This isn't exactly the cleanest place in the world.

One part of me is telling me that Maria brought us here because she wanted to, not to get my mind of things. But this is what normal people do and I am not that innocent little girl that I was before. I should join the people, do as they are doing and the first step at doing that is to finish this drink, even if it tastes very badly. I take a deep breath as I bring the glass up to my lips. I take another sip and swallow, then another and another, until I have finish the glass. With each sip I took it only tasted worse and worse. I don't like this drink. My body feels weird when I have finished the drink. Is that normal? I hope so because I don't want to be sick. "Come on Emma, let's dance" Maria says smiling, but there is something else behind that smile, I just don't know what it is. She takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor, where most of the people here are dancing.

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