{Chapter 19}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 19|

The minutes pass as my heart is pounding in my chest. The fear of him waking up before I can get out of here keeps growing more and more. I don't know when he will wake up but I hope it won't be any time soon, I need to get out of here before he wakes up. But my body is in a lot of pain and I can't stand up. I try to move but it hurts my stomach and leg. With one leg I try my hardest to crawl the the door but every three second I need to stop because if the pain. All I want to do is go back to sleep but I force my eyes to stay open as I crawl to the door. After what feels like eternity I finally reach the door. I need to stop my crying because I don't know once I open the door if someone is going to be on the other side of it or if someone is in the house or near that can hear my cries. I look back at the man to see if he is still knocked out and he is thankfully for me.

At the spot where I was tied up is a huge blood puddle on the floor and there is a blood trail that goes all the way to me since I'm covered in blood. I can barely see the colors in my clothes because of the red blood that has soaked my clothes from head to toe. I take the doorknob and try with my good leg to stand up. I try and I fall down right away. I use my hands to make sure that I don't fall on any of my wounds but of course that didn't work. I fall down on my leg that has been shot and the pain adds up to all the other pain that I'm in. I try again to stand up on one leg but I fall down again. But I'm not giving up. I need to get out of here and fast because Kayden could wake up at any moment now and there is no way I'm going to get more hurt from him. My body is shaking with fear and pain and how cold I am but there is no way I'm going to give up now.

Finally after nearly giving up of trying to stand up because of the pain I managed to stand on one leg. I open the door just a little bit to see what is happening on the outside. There is nothing but a dark hallway. I open the door completely and I hold myself steady with the walls as I make my down that hallway. I need to get out of this house as soon as possible. Time is running out and I don't know if there are going to be others around this house. Beside Kayden could wake up any minute now and when that happens I'm in worse trouble before. He will be so angry and he will hurt me so much. And he knows a lot of ways to hurt people so much. My body won't be able to handle any more pain. I need to hop down the hallway and each and every hop hurts so much but I bite my lips to stop myself from screaming and crying out. Someone could hear me and take me back to that room with Kayden. I know I'm leaving a blood trail everywhere I go so I need to hurry up and get out of here.

When Kayden wakes up he will easily find me by the blood, the only thing he needs to do is follow the blood and capture me again for the third time but I am not going to allow that to happen. No way. This hallway leads to the main room and I can see the outside of the day. I look around the main room that is very dark to make sure that no one is there and thankfully no one is. The only problem is that there isn't a wall that leads to the outside door. I need support to hop all of this way so I need to go the long way and go around the room until I reach the door. I'm panting from hard breathing and each breath I take sends pain through out my body but I don't stop. I'm so close to getting out of this house, and I have no idea what my plan is going to be when I get on the outside but I just have to think fast when that times comes. While hopping I lose my grip on the wall and I fall back down to the floor very painfully.

I cry out but this isn't going to stop me. The blood taste in my mouth gets more and more since I'm biting my lip and inner cheeks to stop myself from screaming and making a lot of sounds. There are a lot of rooms in this house, and there may not be a person in the main room but someone could be in the other rooms. I never know and I don't want to know either. So begin as silence as I possible can is my only option right now. I try to stand up but fail and fall down. "I can do this" I whisper to myself as I make my way of trying again to stand up. I'm almost outside, I can feel the sun shining on me. When I finally manage to stand up I look outside a window that is very close by to see if there is anything on the outside to help me get back home. Then I notice the car that brought me to the house, twice. That car is my escape plan. If I can get to that car, I will be able to get out of here for good.

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