{Chapter 26}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 26|

I gasp at the sight in front of me and I can not believe this is happening right now. Right in front of me, just a few meters away from me is a huge dog. Not just your average huge dog, it is bigger then a one store house and he has actually broken the ceiling into bits and pieces. The fur on the dog is on fire but that doesn't seem to hurt him. The eyes are deep red with black all around it. On top of the dog is the woman in black that tried to kill me, she is just sitting on there like the dog is a horse. She is laughing an evil laugh that is really scary. Most of the room is on fire from the dog. I realize that this must be the cafeteria but it isn't anymore. Tables are on fire. Chairs have turned to ash or are on fire. I see dead bodies scattered around the room but no one seems to mind. But the thing that catches my eye the most is that up in the air something is hanging from a chain. And I see that Jason is the one hanging from the chains.

No one has seen me yet and I want to keep it that way until I am ready for an attack. I have no idea how I alone am going to defeat that huge dog that has teeth as big a a person or so and they are super sharp and that woman who can do magic and I have no idea what she is capable of doing. I know she can start a fire that only I can put out with my magic but my magic makes me so weak that just by putting out one fire I pass out and end up in a coma like I did last time so I know I will not be able to put out all this fire, defeat her and her dog\horse and save Jason. There must be something I can do to stop her. This woman has hurt so many people has I will not stand here and let her watch more and I will not let her hurt Jason and I will not let her hurt me since you know I am the one who can stop her and if I am hurt I won't be able to.

Well doing something is better than doing nothing. I run to where the dog is with my knife in my hand. Still they haven't notice me, no has, not even Jason. I make sure no one sees me, besides she is to busy looking the other direction hurting someone and I need to stop her from doing that. When I get to the huge dog and his paw I use the knife and with everything I got I stab the dog in the paw as hard as my hands can. The dog whines very loudly and if it weren't for the fact that this dog just killed someone right now I would have felt sorry for it but I don't because it kills people. I take my knife out of the paw and black liquid starts to pour out of the paw and the dog falls down to the ground hardly nearly hitting me but I do dodge it. I'm not understand how one dog could get so hurt with just one stab in the paw, the knife is so small compared with the dog itself. But I am just glad that it works.

Which means this knife and all the other knifes I have will help me defeat her and she will not hurt anyone ever again. The woman now notices me as she has fallen off the dog and stands up. "You again! How many times do I have to kill you until you die!!" She yells as her hands glow black and to each hand start to grow fire ball up into the hair. "I guess killing you again won't hurt" she says before throwing one of the fire ball my direction but without controlling my body I take the knife and use it as a shield. The fire ball hits the knife and it bounces back but into another direction where it hits the wall and makes a giant hole there before it turns to nothing but dust that falls down to the floor. She screams out of frustration and I think she is going to need some therapy or something for that anger. This is not normal. Then again none of this is completely normal. I'm not normal and I know that. She throws the other one at me but know I know I can defend myself with the knife and again I use it to shield myself. I have no idea how I thought about it.

I just feel like there is someone telling my brain to move that without me doing it but I am still in control of my own body. There is just someone helping me, don't know who but I would like to thank them someday when I do know. Again she throws fire balls at me but this time four at the time and when they come all at once it gets pretty hard to shield myself with just one knife so I need to dodge them as well as use the knife to throw them away from me. But with one I wasn't quick enough and it hits me in the leg which makes me scream out in pain and fall to my knees holding my leg where the fore ball had hit me. The woman which I think her name is Mortem. Or that is what she said last time I met her. She laughs when she hits me. "Your just as weak as your father. Oh, what a handsome sight he is but he is weak like you. Only it is much more fun killing you since he can't die. Now say goodbye!!" She says.

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