{Chapter 4}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 4|

Did I just hear him right? Are my ears still working right? Yes they are. "What are you talking about? My mother died in a car crash few weeks ago" I tell him, I feel tears in my eyes. If he is joking about this, then it's not funny. He shouldn't make jokes about things like this, no one should. "Emma, she is alive. Just come with me and I'll show it to you" He says as he takes my hand to bring me somewhere. We go outside to where his cars are, and I have never known anyone who owns so many cars, I counted eleven but there are more cars there, how can he have all these cars? He stops by a car I have never seen him drive it before. I don't even know what kind it is because I have never seen a car like this before, ever. Before we go inside the car Jason makes me stop and look at him.

"Emma, I promise you that I'm telling you the truth, I would never hurt you like this. And in case your wondering that is my car" he says pointing at the car we get into to, I don't get what he means. "I already knew this was your car, it's kind of obvious" I tell him with 'duh' tone. I guess he doesn't remember what cars he owns, he has many so it's normal to forget what you own. But I don't get the point of having so many cars when you don't even use more than half of them, I think he only uses on or two of these cars. He chuckles and smirks at me, does he really think this is funny? "No, Emma. Look at the logo and you'll understand everything" he says, sometimes he talks to me like I am a child, this is one of those times. I take a deep breath before looking at the logo of the car, when I see it I gasp.

Now I realize that I have been a little stupid about all of this, he doesn't just own this car he owns a car company and it's named after him. I blush in embarrassment, of course he owns a car company, he has everything and it sometimes gets on my nerves. I have read that it is impossible to buy for rich people, you have yo give them something from the heart, I never have understood it until I met Jason. He is the richest man I know, but he is also the richest man on earth so it does make sense. "I was hoping this would impress you somehow" Jason mutters under his breath but I could still hear him. Why is he trying to impress me? Doesn't he know that everything he does, does indeed impress me. I giggle silently.

"But Jason, you do impress me" I tell him and I can see his face lit up like a Christmas tree, it's adorable. I love him so much. It's impossible not to smile with him, it makes me happy that I made him smile this much. He hasn't had the best life, and I am here to make it better, I want to make him happy every single day, every single minute, even every single second. "Does that mean I can continue to spoil you?" He asks, I know he is teasing me with those questions. Jason starts the car and drives off. "Jason, you've spoiled me since day one, I don't think you want to stop" I say, he chuckles than takes my hand with his right hand, while his left hand is at the wheel. "Nope, I am not planning to stop, and you can't say otherwise" he tells me, I somehow I knew I could say that.

I knew that already, he is strong headed. Well just like me. "I wasn't really planning on arguing it with you" I tell him, I really don't like the spoiling part but I am not going to say anything right now, I am to existed to see my mother, even if she is not my real mother. She is the woman that raised me, and made me who I am so I owe her my life. My biggest question is how in the living world is my mother alive, she died, just like me. Maybe she did the same thing as I when I died, but it seems impossible since my mother isn't an angel, or I don't think she is. She would have told me, my mom tells me everything and I tell her everything, we could talk about anything, she sometimes talked about adult stuff. I did listen to it but sometimes I did not understand at all what she was talking about so I just nodded my head when she spoke.

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