{Chapter 25}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 25|

"I mean, they told me you were dead" She says but now she is shocked and very nervous and honestly if I am correct she looks really scared and not really happy to see that I am awake. Why isn't my best friend in the whole world not happy to see me awake and alive? By the tone in her voice it looks like she doesn't want me to be awake or even alive and that is the most heartbreaking thing I have ever felt, or what I remember and know. Maybe I did go through something heartbreaking in the time that is missing from my memory and I just don't know it so now it is very sad that she isn't happy to see me. I thought she would be so happy that she would storm the place until she gets a hug from me, one of that is the truth I think. She did storm the place but the thing she hasn't done is hugging me and we would laugh and share amazing stories. But none of that has happened yet and why hasn't it? This isn't really the Maria I remember and the Maria I know.

For some reason she has chanced a lot, and not just by her action but also her hair is different and now she is wearing a lot different style of clothes then she normally would wear. It is like she is a whole another person right now and that my best friend is gone, I don't want her to be gone, she is my best friend after all. And even if she wants to have a chance I do support her on that one hundred precent but if she is chancing then she will have other friends which is all right but she will forget me. Maria is the only friend I have except for Jason and Victoria and I don't want to lose her but if it is her choose then I can't say anything about that. As for Victoria she is in my life but she is only Jason's friend and I'm not really sure what to call her, she isn't my friend or anything but she is still a part of my life. She is just there sort of and I honestly don't know much about her or who she is.

Sure Jason has told me few things about her and how they met but that is how they met and there story but other then that I don't know her very well. Maria walks over to the bed, to me. She looks at me and then takes my hand up and down three times. I give her a very confused look and everyone else is doing the same. What is she doing? This is kind of weird and it makes me wonder why she is doing this. She also does the same thing with my other hand and then she opens both my eyes with her hands which kind of hurt. When she does that Jason is very close to take her off the bed and make her stop doing this, and perhaps ask her why she is being so weird about me being awake. I thought that by waking up everyone wold be super happy like Jason and my parents were but now as soon as Maria comes things get strange. After she is done checking my eyes she forcefully opens my mouth and looks inside. All right, the other one was weird but I think she has gone too far, what is she doing to me?

Thank god everyone else were thinking the same thing as me and now Maria is the center of the attention, everyone wants to hear what she has to say. Especially me, since she is the one acting really strange. "What are you doing?" My mom asks. But Maria doesn't hear her or she does hear her but doesn't answer. She stays quiet while doing what ever it is she is doing to me. Finally she lets go of my mouth and just when I think she is done she takes a needle a pricks my finger with it. I take my hand away from her and put my finger into my mouth, that actually hurt a bit but before I could put it in my mouth she takes my finger and squeezes one drop of my blood of out it and into her palm and then throws my hand back to me. Why did she just do that. She is checking out the drop of blood that is on the palm of her hand, which is very strange and weird but then she just runs out of the room to who know where.

"That was the strangest visit I have ever had" I say when she is gone and everyone is still looking at the door where she went out just few seconds ago. Jason takes his eyes away front the door and looks at me with worry as he hurries to me and puts tissue paper over where she had pricked it before. To where he got the tissue paper is beyond me, it is like he had it in his pocket but it doesn't even look crumbled. And there is no box where tissue papers are but that doesn't matter right now. It isn't hurting right now but there are few drops of blood in the tissue paper. "I always told you that girl is trouble and those drugs aren't making her better" My mom says to my dad who I shaking his head at Maria's behavior. My parents haven't always liked that I am friends with Maria and only accepted her because she is my friend and I care about even if she is acting really strange. That doesn't matter, she will be back to normal in no time I hope and then she will hug me for a very long time.

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