{Chapter 16}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 16|

I'm inside this huge warehouse and it is completely empty, I think. It is so dark here that I can barely see anything at all. It is very creepy here but I must be brave and remember why I am doing this. I am here to protect Jason. "Hello" I call out into the emptiness. I feel like there is someone here watching me. I don't know how I know I just feel it in my gut. It is a strange feeling to feel that someone is watching you and you have no idea who it is or where they are. There could be many people here watching my every move I wouldn't see it because of the dark. No one and nothing answers my call. "I'm here like you asked, can someone come out now" I call out again. It is a bit rude to not answer when someone is calling out. I know someone is there and they are only begin very rude to me and they are the one who wanted me here, so why are they the rude one? Maybe I came here for nothing, maybe they aren't showing their faces to me which is ride and very scary and creepy and really uncomfortable.

I feel like I have been tricked to show up in a place I don't know or something because I have been here for some minutes in this creepy place and no one has come out to talk to me. I have been calling out for them to come out but only the emptiness answers me back. "If you don't come out now I am leaving" I say and now I only need to wait a few minutes. If I don't get an answer back then I am leaving here place at once. I am already so cold and I am really tired. I just want to go to be right now and snuggle up to Jason. But then I am reminded of the reason why I came here in the first place. I need to do this. Maybe I could wait for awhile longer. I mean I know they are here and everything but maybe they are just very shy and that is why they gave me the letter and the note because they were just to shy to talk to me in person. At least that is what I think.

"You sure are a hell of a brave girl" I voice scares me from behind. I quickly turn around to see a man wearing only black with black hair is standing there. My heart is beating so fast in my chest right now and this time out of pure fear. This man is freaking me out over here. He walks over to me and is very close to me. I start to back up but something stands in my way. I turn around only to be met with few more men that are standing in a line with their hands crossed and wearing all black like the man that spoke. All around me are me dressed in black. I'm am only now really regretting my decision of coming here but like I have said before this is for Jason and I must do this. Even if I am scared out of my mind. "I must admit that I was expecting better" the same man that spoke before says. I don't even know what he is talking about. What was he expecting of me exactly? I'm here aren't I so isn't that what he should have expected?

I am now terrified of them since there are so many men's just standing in a circle around me with their faces straight. The only one who doesn't have straight face is the man that talked to me. I don't even know what to say back to him because what can I say in a conversation that I have no idea what is about. I guess I should say something. "What are you talking about?" I ask him when I face him. His face is very scary but you can't judge a book by it's cover. I mean this guy could be a cuddle bear for all I know. You can't judge a person before getting to know them. But in my case I don't really want to get to know this man. I really don't. I have Jason and that is it, I don't need anyone else except for him and Maria and my family and I can't forget Shadow now can I? They are all that matter to me, for me I don't really need someone else. And that is my decision and mine alone. Maybe in the future someone else comes along that we will make friends with but right now my life is crazy and I don't want to make it even crazier.

That is why I am here, to end this even before it starts to become something serious. I know something bad is going to happen, I don't know how or even what or when this bad thing is happening but I know it will happen soon. Maybe if I stop it before it begins maybe I can prevent it from ever happening. "The queen of the sea, an angel that has an element powers. You don't even have the wings, I was expecting them and someone who isn't afraid of the dark. The savior of the ocean. Your nothing more than a scared little school girl" he says and laughs darkly. Why is he so mean to me? His words are rally hurtful. Why is he like this? I must be strong. He can't get to me, I won't allow him to get to me. I know he is trying to hurt me and I can't let him think that he has hurt me even if his words do really hurt. I put on a brave face before looking him in the eyes.

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