{Chapter 5}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 5|

The ground shakes when the loud explosion happened. What is going on? Jason hurries to me and puts his arms around me, protecting me from whatever that explosion was. My heartbeat starts to race up at bit, in fear and in shock. I'm a bit scared what that was, there was an explosion and something or someone caused it. "I'm going to check that out, you will stay here with your mother" Jason commands me to do, he says it in a tone that is scary but still holds a lot of power. He knows that I am not the girl that listens very well, that I am the one that acts before thinking. He knows me so well, he is after all my other half and that means he knows everything about me.

I nod to show him that I will obey him. "Emma, I'm serious" he says and lifts his eye brow and looks me straight in the eyes. It is kind of creepy, remind me to never get on his bad side. His looks can probably hurt or kill someone. "I know you are" I tell him as I turn away to walk to my mother. He takes my wrist and makes me turn back around. "I just don't want you to get hurt" he says and there is so much sadness in his voice. I know that he cares a lot about me just like I care a lot about him, and I know that he won't rest until I am safe. He is so over protective, most girls would be annoyed by it but it kind of makes me love him more. "I know, but please come safe back to me. Promise me you'll be all right?" I ask almost with tears in my eyes but I hold them.

He hugs me so tightly. "I promise, my little flower. I'll always come back to you, where you'll be safe waiting for me" he says making me smile so much and blush a deep tomato red. He always has a way of words, he is after all so many years old, but the way he talks about few things it just melts my heart. He then lets go of me and kisses my hand, and leaves to go see what had happened and what in the living world caused that explosion. "It's going to be all right" My mom says to me, trying to calm my worried body but that doesn't work very well. She takes my hand and helps me sit down, while I just stare at the door, waiting for Jason to come here safe and sound. I sound very paranoid and I am over reacting about all of this but I can not help it.

Now that I have Jason I don't want to lose him. And I worry so much about what could happen to him. "I know it is just that, I love him so much and I don't want him to get hurt" I tell her, I almost choke in a sob but I take a few deep breaths to calm down so I won't cry. "I know, sweetie, I was just the same with your father and even you. The worrying doesn't stop, ever. All you can do is get use to it" she tells me, at least now I know she is trying to make up for all the Ike's she has ever told me by telling me only the truth, or at least I think it is the truth. I hope so because I am so sick of secrets and lies. I have had enough of them in my life, I don't need more of them.

My mother and I have been waiting for ten minutes and my worrying just keeps growing with every second that passes. Soon I start hearing footsteps, I stand up. Jason is here. My stomach is filled with the butterflies, it does that a lot lately. "He's coming" I say and it is really hard not to smile. The door opens and I gasp at the sight I am seeing. It is Jason but he is all beaten up, he has blood everywhere on him, and bruises. "Oh my" I hear my mother whisper. Jason walks over to me, I thought that the worrying would end now that Jason is here but now it is only twice as bad as it was. Suddenly the image of Jason dead in my nightmare comes into my mind. Right now I am freaking out, more than I have ever been in life.

I hug Jason with my life, When I saw him come into the room I was so afraid not just of him but also for him. "I'm all right, don't worry about me. We need to leave they are after you" he says with so much worry and so much sadness in his voice. He is trying to cover up his pain but I see right through him, he is hurt, he isn't all right. Who is after me? What does he mean? "Jason, what is going on? What happened? Who is after me?" I ramble on with the questions, I want to know what is happening here. "There is no time to explain, You need to run into the forest, I will be right behind you. Emma, run as far as you can go, ple-" he says but we start to hear footsteps running toward the door.

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