{Chapter 28}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 28|

The light from the shining sun wakes me up, with a smile on my face I open my eyes. Laying next to me is Jason, he is still asleep. Sitting up on the bed I look at his face, he looks so peaceful. I see the corners of his mouth smile a bit and I know he is awake. I kiss the tip of his nose and he laughs a bit. "You know, it is rude to stare at a sleeping person" He says with a playful smirk. I giggle a bit and kiss him on the forehead. He takes my head in his two hands and takes my lips his his. "Not if I'm looking at my handsome boyfriend" I tell him then I stand up from the bed and into the bathroom teasing him a bit, it is so easy to tease him. I turn on the sink and wash my face before taking a toothbrush and putting on a toothpaste on it, I brush my teeth. In the mirror I see Jason standing by the door with a smile on his face. He is not wearing a shirt and I will never get use to that.

"So you think I'm handsome" Jason says teasing me this time. I laugh but then I remember that I am still brushing my teeth and I am quick to spit it out, and putting the toothbrush into the glass where it belongs. "It depends" I say and turn on the shower. Jason laughs as he leaves the bathroom. He is such a gentleman that every time I take shower he leaves to give me my privacy, he says that I am not ready and he doesn't want to take me when I am not ready for him, whatever that means. But still I love how much of a gentleman he is. I take a quick shower and then wrap my body and hair into towels while I put lotion on my face, hands and legs. To keep my body moisturized since the shower sometimes dries the skin. I dry off the rest of my body and then dress into a black bar and a matching black panties. Walking to the closet I pick an outfit fit for the day to come. I have chosen a white shirt and light blue jeans that match.

Of course I have the ring that Jason gave me, I never ever take it of and never do I want to. When I am all dressed I release my hair from the towel only to be met with my tangly hair. Before I could take the brush from my nightstand, another hand reaches for it. I look up at Jason holding the brush. "Allow me" He says. He is all dressed in his work tux and is ready for the work day ahead of him. I happily sigh as I turn around and sit on the bed letting my back face him. The bed dip a bit when he gets on it as he makes his way over to me with the brush in his hands. He brushes my hair, until all the tangled hair is straight. My hair is still wet but I pay no mind to that, beside my hair is very quick to dry and if I want to could just snap my fingers and the water from my hair could lift up into the air and form a small water ball which can be washed down into the sink. But I will not be doing that. I try to use my water magic as little as possible.

To most I am a normal human and that is what I try to be. Of course my powers are a work in progress, I still haven't learned to control them completely and Victoria says I have a lot to learn and the things that I have seen of the thing I can do is just the tip of the iceberg of everything I can do. Sometimes I am a bit afraid of the things I could be capable of doing, since I have no idea what it is, or how much I can do. When Jason finishes he kisses the top of my wet hair. Which I laugh at. "Are you nervous for today?" Jason asks me and I take a deep breath before turning around on the bed and hugging him. After a long discussion and of me saying how I saved the world, he unwillingly agreed to let me work again at the company. He always keep the position open for me. I figured that if I could save the world all alone, I could surely go back to work. Besides it has been so long since I had worked, everything has been so busy.

"Just a little, I'm afraid that I won't do anything right" I tell him. Somehow he makes me pour my heart to him. I can tell him everything, and he will always listen to me. It makes me so happy that I have someone like him in life, I don't know what I could have without him. "Don't worry, you'll be fine, trust me. And so you won't be all alone I have decided to have two secretaries, it will be all right. This way you won't have as much work to do but you can still do stuff. Many things can be done, she is only there to help you and make things a bit easier for you not doing your job completely" Jason says. Another secretary actually sound pretty good and I really look forward to meet her. She must be very nice, or at least I do hope she is nice. Since I am going to be working with her. But it will be so nice working with Jason. I smile at him as he give me a small peak on the lips before taking my hand and helping me stand up.

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