{Chapter 13}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 13|

It has been a week since Jason asked me to be his girlfriend. I couldn't be happier right now. Jason is the best boyfriend ever, my first boyfriend is also best most amazing boyfriend in the world. I mean every single night and day we do something fun. Like yesterday we had a food fight and of course Jason won but in the night after we went into a shower we watched a movie and just cuddled. Today Victoria is going to help me control my magic. Over the week my magic has been out of control. I'm always changing other liquids into water and every time Jason takes a shower the water is always chancing from hot to cold, I kind of feel sorry for him. And he even checked, there is nothing wrong with the pipes. And sometimes when I am near a sink or anything that has water it rises up into the air and just stays like that in the air until I leave the room. Sometimes it is funny when Jason gets water on him but sometimes things get really wet like the couch or pillows. It takes forever to get everything dry.

Jason says that someday I will be able to dry things off with my powers. I am still getting use to having them but today is the first lesson I will have of learning everything I can to control this magic that I have. Victoria says that every single day that passes by I get stronger, and apparently I have had this magic my whole life and it was just getting stronger and stronger with each day. It is kind of weird to know that my whole life I have had magic but then again it was in the past and I can't really chance the past now can I? I guess my fate was always to learn about my powers when I died, but maybe I did have powers when I was a child and they kept growing stronger and stronger but it just didn't activate until I came back from the dead. This is just my theory, I don't think it is true but that is what I believe happened. No one else can figure this out, the only person who can tell me is my mother or my birth mother Daphne. Both of them could know something about my powers.

I think that Daphne knows a little more since she is my birth mother and maybe I get this from my birth father who I have no idea who is. Anyway she is also the person who told me that I have this power, well she helped me come back to life with them. "Emma, you ready?" Jason asks me as he kisses me, how can I be ready if he is kissing me. Truth to be told he has been kissing me a lot lately, not that mind. It is kind of nice and I love his kisses, I know that it is just what boyfriend and girlfriends are suppose to do. I kiss him to, but not as often as Jason, but I also kiss back when he kisses me and of course he kisses back when I kiss him. The kiss is always soft and simple but I know Jason wants something else from me every time we kiss. I have asked him about it and he only says that I am not ready and I don't even I know what I am not ready for. We break from the kiss. "I'm ready now" I tell him.

He takes my hand and we both make our way to the garden. Can you believe that this house has a garden. I have been living in this house for some time now and only three days ago did I know that there was actually a garden here and it is very beautiful. It has fountains and plants and a lot of flowers. It is the dream garden, I really don't understand why Jason never told me about it before. Three days ago I spend the whole day in the garden, with Jason of course. He never leaves me alone, but I don't really mind. He is the best. The garden is also the place that Victoria wants to teach me everything, just in case something doesn't get ruined. Because we are going to be working with water and you can never be to careful when you are playing with water. I see her standing there waiting for me, Jason goes off to the bench where he will be watching. I don't really want him to watch but he wants to make me feel safe. But I know the truth, he just wants keep me out of harm for his sake.

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