{Chapter 22}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 22|

Maria leaves the room and I can feel tears run down the sides of my head, I can't stop myself from crying. Why would she do this? The reason why I am not awake is because of her and I don't understand how my very own best friends can do this to me. All of This is unbelievable. All I want to do is open my eyes, find Maria and ask her why she would do this but I can't. All because she did this to me, I have no idea what she gave me to make me stay like this but if she is right then I will die soon and I have been over this about a million times, I've already died once and now that I was given a second chance I need to stay alive. I have survived a lot and I will survive this. I will wake up soon, I just know it. I have to wake, I need to know why Maria would hurt me like this. I have never done anything to her. Ever. So I can not think of any idea why she would do this to me.

All of this is not like her, Maria is not like this. She could never hurt someone, not by her own hand I mean. Of course she has broken few hearts and played games where people are drunk and do strange and dangerous things but she doesn't mean much by that. The only reason she has broken the boys heart is because she has never really found the one she wants to be with, not like me when I found Jason. Not that I have ever broken hearts, or if I have then I didn't mean to or even know it. I never really dated boys or just anyone since I have always been the type that sits at home reading and not party. Ever since we met Maria has always been trying to get me to a party but until few days ago when I discovered my water ability was probably the first real party I went to. I have gone to birthday parties but that is different, I learned that at the party with Maria. Believe me I am never going to a party like that ever again after what happened with Maria, not to mention the water thing which to this day I don't understand.

But I am beginning to understand it yet there is a long way to go with everything and I have only understood few things. And in the future I am hoping that I will understand everything that I am capable of doing with my water powers, you know if I do wake up and not die for whatever Maria gave to me. Maria leaves soon and still on the phone with this person whoever it is. I'm not even sure if I want to know. I mean Maria just said to me that she did this to me and this person wanted her to do this. Wait. I think I am getting an idea, I know Maria would never do this on her own but maybe she was forced. She could have been made to do it. That also means that now I know my best friend would never try to kill me or whatever it is she is trying to do to me. I need to do my best to wake up or at least do something anything to sign Jason and Victoria of what is going on here.

But no matter how hard I try nothing works, if I try to move my hands nothing happens. Same with my eyes, I just can't open them, still I can feel everything. I hear the door open again and one person walks inside the room. Yet I can never know who it is since it is very hard to know by the footsteps but I know this is a man footsteps. I think I know it because they are a lot heavier and no heels. That person sits on the chair beside the bed and takes my hand. I know it is Jason, don't know how I know I just feel it in my body and the way he touches me is like nothing I've ever felt before. For some reason Jason is the only one who has ever had any affect on me like this and I like whatever it is he is doing. Besides I have missed him a lot and when I say a lot I mean so much that when I wake up I only want to hug and kiss him for the rest of my life. And tell him about Maria and how she did this.

Well I still need to ask Maria to explain the situation to me and everyone else and ask her why she did this. I know she would never do this and that is why I believe that she was forced into doing this and not by her own will. I still need to wake up and that could take some time and be pretty hard to do since I have been trying and failing horribly. I'm not giving up on waking up, I just need to try harder I know I will eventually wake up. I feel something wet fall on my hand and I realize that Jason is crying and his tears are falling onto my hand. Oh, no I don't want everyone crying for me, and especially not Jason. "My poor Emma, I know it in my heart you will wake up and I will see your gorgeous eyes once again and for the rest of my life even if no one thinks you will not wake up" Jason says through his tears and more of them add onto my hand. I wish I could hug him and tell him everything is all right, besides I really need a hug from him right now.

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