{Chapter 17}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 17|

The same man comes inside the room. But this time he isn't wearing all black. He is wearing a white doctor rope of some sort but it is all torn and very old. He has a wicked smile on his face that really scares me. "You like it? I put it together myself. The tools are old and used but that is what I get from the trash" he says and I gasp. He took all the tools from the trash. What kind of person is he exactly? This is wrong, all of this is wrong. "Don't worry I know what I am doing, a bit rusty but I know how to gut a fish, a small girl is shouldn't be different" he says and that is when I lost it. My tears just keep coming. I really wanted him to be joking about killing me but know when I see all of this I know that he is really going to kill me. "Now be a good girl and get on the table" he says pointing at it as he comes closer to me. I back away from him. I don't want him close to me or even in the same room.

"No" I tell him. There is my bravery again, which is always failing me at the wrong time. He looks shocked at my answer but tries to hide it well with his smirk. He walks over to me while I just back away from him but I bump into something which makes me fall down. When I look up at him he is standing right in front of me. I gulp. "No? You stupid bit*h" He says and he picks me up by the arm very roughly and it hurts so much, his grip is tight. I have made a huge mistake of denying him of what he commanded me to do and I'm going to suffer for it. He throws me at the table. "Get on" he says with so much venom and so much anger. Now he is angry and I feel like this is going to be worse for me now that I have angered him a lot. This is bad. I hurry to go on the table and lay down. He puts the ropes around my hands first and they really bite my skin and it hurts so much.

He then moves on to my legs and ties them down with the ropes. When he is done I try to wiggle myself out of the ropes but nothing works. I am really stuck here on this table. My hands and legs are tightly tied down and it really does hurt, the ropes burn into my skin when I move and I know that they are creating wounds and bruises. He then leaves the room without saying a word while I am left here on this table tied down and tears streaming down my eyes that roll onto the table. The feeling of begin here in this ice cold room on this table is not very good and to tell the truth I am so frightened of what is going to happen. I know that there is no way Jason is going to come here and save me for two reasons. He has no idea where I am and he is sleeping thinking that I am sleeping next to him. In reality I will never be able to sleep next to him every again because this might be my last night on this planet. I'm going to die soon and there is nothing I can do about it.

I just have to accept the fact that I just ruined my second chance in life but at least I got to spend my time with Jason. I'm going to regret that I couldn't see my mom and dad and I really want to see them. But I guess you can't have everything you want. I don't know how long I have been laying here but it feels like eternity. The man hasn't come inside the room for what feels like hours. I know I have been here for a very long time because the sun is starting to make an appearance but only a slight bit. I think the time is about four or five in the morning. If I can wait until noon then perhaps Jason would be able to find me and I do hope he will. Jason isn't awake right now but once he does I know he will be very mad and if he fins me he will be very angry at me but happy that I am safe I think. I haven't been able to get any sleep, the table I'm laying on isn't very comfortable and my heart is just raising like crazy which makes me think to much about everything and once my minds starts to think I start to cry and that is how I am right now.

Just a crying mess laying tied down on a table in a very cold room. I can't really feel my toes at the moment, I did stop moving because the ropes really hurt me. To be honest sleep hasn't even crossed my mind, it is like I don't need it. I do feel very tired but my body just doesn't want to sleep beside that man could come here at anytime. I wish that he doesn't come in here because if he does then he is going to use some of those knifes and tools on me and that scares me so much. Every now and then I look at the door to make sure that he isn't at the door and opened it when I wasn't looking or if I didn't hear the door open. I probably look like a mess right now but I don't care about that, I just want to get away from here and be safe in Jason's arms once more.

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