{Chapter 27}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 27|

I stop right in my tracks as Maria makes her way over to Mortem. Did she just say mother? I'm pretty sure she did. Tears form in my eyes and I need to crush the knife with my hand as fast as I can to force myself not to cry. I can not look weak in front of them, they will use it against me. Now I know that Maria is now with her. And I know that she is now with Mortem since that is her very own mother. I know now why I never got the chance to meet her parents, she always made up some excuses about it and I believed her. Was she even my friend in the beginning? It is like I don't even know who she is anymore? Is our friendship even real? Does it mean nothing to her? All those nights we spend watching movies and the trips we went to the malls and me comforting her while she cries because of some boy. Everything we did together may have been just a lie, why would she do this to me? I never knew it in the first place.

All the times we laughed together meant nothing to her. This hurts me so much. I just lost my best friend in the whole word and I just learned that she wasn't really my friend at all since she has sided with her mother and never cared about me, ever. I just stare into nothing with tears in my eyes and the most heartbreaking heart ever. But what I never realized is that there was a sword coming my way and I didn't see it until it was in my leg. The pain shot through my whole body and around the sword blood starts to leak out of my leg. But I don't feel like being in pain, the heart aching in my heart and soul is almost to much to bare. And I feel like I just don't want to continue to fight Mortem and Maria. "I see you've already met my daughter, Ignis" Mortem says and she is meaning Maria. So her real name is Ignis. I guess she also lied about that like she did with everything she ever said to me. But why all the lies? Was this all just a way to trick me or something? What ever it was it hurts so much.

Tears run down my cheeks not only for the hurt she is causing me right now but also because I have a sword sticking out of my leg and that makes me fall down to the ground crying me eyes out. I don't feel like fighting anymore, and I know I have let anyone down but the pain that I am experiencing right now is the worst pain I have felt and I have died and almost died in my life which means that this pain tops all. Maria or Ignis as her name is use to be my friend, my only friend. I always thought I didn't need more friends than her and that is why she is my best friend not only because she was my only friend but for the fact that she chose to stick by me even if I am naïve as everyone says and not fun to be with but now I know she was only with me to trick me and report to her own mother. She never cared about me, she was just spying on me and I honestly told her everything about me.

"Look mother, the baby is crying. I guess she is even weaker now then ever. I say we rip her heart out" Mari- I mean Ignis says with a glare that is pointed at me. My leg is bleeding a lot but I do not care about that. The sword that is in my leg is made out of some strong thing and the handle has a fire mark on it which I think is made of really lava that has been formed to be like that but I'm not sure and to be honest I do not care. They can do what ever they want with me, I don't care about it. I have been so hurt and I don't know if I will ever be able to be al right again. I guess I will just die here and I would not want to chose to live again. I just want the pain to end and if my life ends by ripping my heart out than that is all right with me. I don't have the need for a heart anymore since my heart has been shattered so much today and I don't ever feel like standing up and fighting. Mortem laughs at the idea and they start talking about it I think but I'm not really listening.

My mind is spaced out at no where and I don't care what happened next. If I die I only hope Jason will be able to forgive me and the rest of the world since I will be dead and I am the only one who can stop her or now them I don't think I will be able to do that. More and more tears run down my cheeks as my only thoughts are about how she could have done this to me? Does she hate me this much that she would want me dead? Even if she has betrayed me in so many ways I still don't want her dead, she may have thought that I wasn't her best friend but she sure was mine. She stood by me when I needed her, I could tell her everything on my mind, I could do what ever I wanted around her, she never minded at all and all of those things for her to. If she told me a secret or her crush I would never tell anyone. But I guess she never felt that way about me.

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