{Chapter 10}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 10|

I open the door, and walk down the hallway, this is a good practice of walking in those high heels. I still haven't gotten use to them yet but I will get use to them. No need got worry everything will be all right, I just know it will be. After all what could possibly go wrong? When I come to the end of the hallway, there is only a staircase between me and Jason. I look down at the end of the stairs and I see Jason standing there, he hasn't seen me yet but he looks even more handsome than ever. How did I get so lucky with this guy? I never thought I of all people could get a boyfriend, at least not this amazing boyfriend. Jason is the best. But is he my boyfriend? Now that I think about it we have never really become official.

I do hope that will happen soon because I really want to be his girlfriend and him as my boyfriend. I walk down one step and it hears click in the heels which causes Jason to look up and when he sees me his jaw drops, literally. I smile at him as I start to make my way down the stairs, I just hope that I don't fall down. That would be very embarrassing. Jason just watches me like a hawk as I walk down the stairs. I blush but I know that Jason can't see it because of the make up, I guess this is the only time I actually like begin with make up. When I reach the last step I smirk. While Maria was fixing me and helping me get ready she gave me a book to ready so I wouldn't start to panic. A guess what the book was about? It was about what to say to a guy when you takes you out on a date.

It is rather strange book but it actually helps. I had no idea what I would say to Jason on our date, I think Maria knows the future or something. I walk up to Jason but he is in a trance or something because he doesn't seem to notice me right beside him ,his jaw is still dropped. His eyes are glued at the stairs. I giggle at him. "Better close your mouth before catch flies" I tell him and I know that he is to busy staring at the stairs to close his mouth so I close it for him and that seemed to do the trick of bringing him back from his trance. He shakes his head and comes to his senses. "You look...amazingly, fantastically beautiful" he says as he looks up and down at me, checking me out. This is the time where I really want to know what he is thinking, that would be so cool to know.

"You don't look bad yourself, now come on we don't want to be late do we?" I tell him as I takes his hand, I don't really know where we are going but I am really curious of what he has planned. I know that I will be surprised and I really can't wait to see and know. This is probably the first time I have actually seen Jason speechless and loss at all words, I better enjoy the moment before he will come to his complete senses and will go back to be his normal self. "Yeah...right" Jason says as he walks with me, I can tell that he is watching me. Finally he comes to his senses and leads me to the car, has he really come to his senses? Is he going to crash the car or something? He opens the passenger door for me and I get in. "Thank you" I tell him as he smiles sweetly to me and closes the door.

He gets in and starts the car. "Where are we going?" I ask Jason after begin in the car for about thirty seconds. I just can't wait. Something about it begin a car makes me very excited and super curious like never before. I'm warning you not to be in a car with me, especially when no one tells me were we are going. "Emma, you'll just have to wait and see" Jason says and laughs, I don't like it when he does this because then I'll get even more excited then before. I can guess that Jason is enjoying this very much and I think is why he wanted to drive himself and not let Mr. Conner drive instead. It has been a long time since I last saw Mr. Conner, I kind of miss him. I wonder when I will ever see him again.

It has been seven minutes and I've been trying to get Jason to talk about where are going but he doesn't give up to easily and that is getting on my nerves. Isn't there suppose to be a trick of some kind to make people tell you everything you want to know? I'm dying here out of excitement and it is very hard to resist to freak out. "We here" Jason says as we stop in front of a Italian restaurant. It is a good thing that I haven't eating anything for hours. Besides Maria didn't let me eat anything, she said something that if I eat now than it will ruin it. I know now what she meant. Jason gets out of the car and opens the car door for me. He helps me out of the car. "Thank you" I say to him as he closes the car door and locks the car.

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