{Chapter 12}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 12|

His teeth pierce through my flesh. Pain shoots through my body and tears run down my cheeks. I scream out because the pain is unbearable, this is worse then the time that I got stabbed and. literally died. Most of the pain is coming from my shoulder, where he is biting me. I can feel my blood flow out of my body and I can hear him gulp it down. Soon I start to feel lightheaded, my legs feel like jelly and I feel really sleepy. I want to go to sleep. I look at Jason and see that he is begin hold back by the same man that I talked to. Jason is screaming my name and trying to get to me but it is hopeless. The man is holding Jason down very tight so that he can't do anything. Jason face holds a lot of horror and pain and sadness. He even looks like he might cry, no I don't want him to cry especially because of me. My eyes start to feel heavy but I refuse to let them close.

Hunter's teeth rip out of my shoulder and I fall down to the ground. I hold my hand over the place where he bit me, it hurts so much when I touch the wound. Even more tears escape from my eyes. "Do you accept my deal or should I end her?" Hunter asks Jason as the man lets him go and Jason immediately runs to me. He kneels down to see if I am all right. "I'm so sorry, Emma. I never meant for this to happen to you" he tells me as he takes me in his arms. He puts a handkerchief on my wound and I cry out in pain when it touches me. He holds the handkerchief fast at my wound to stop the bleeding but it hurts so much. "I.it is a..al.l r.rig..ht. I..i'm ..fi.fin...e" I try to tell him but I am just so weak right now. Jason takes my hand and puts it on the handkerchief that is stopping the wound from bleeding any further.

I wince when he puts my hand on the handkerchief. He stands up shaking with anger and turns to Hunter. "If I accept will you leave her out of this?" Jason asks through his gritting teeth. If I wasn't in such pain right now I would be very afraid. I have never seen Jason more angry in my life. And I am kind of glad, when Jason is angry the bad guy gets what he deserves. Hunter may be a nice guy sometimes but right now he is begin mean and a bully. Everyone knows that bullies always get something coming for them, one way or another. "Of course, such a shame the lovely Miss Summers has made you a weakling. I'll be seeing you soon, nice to meet you Emma Summers" Hunter says as he gets into his car, and the other guy to and they drive off leaving me here on the ground bleeding and Jason angry and guilty. Jason is far from begin a weakling, there is something wrong with Hunter for saying this about Jason.

As soon as the car is gone Jason rushes to my side. "This is all my fault, I can't explain how sorry I am. I never meant for you to get hurt" he says as tears run down his cheeks from his eyes. I want to comfort him but I am just so weak and sleepy. My eyes are really starting to close, I have to force them to stay open. I smile just to tell him that I am all right. He isn't buying it. I want to speak but no words come out. The world around me is starting to spin. I close my eyes and shake my head a little bit which only hurts my should more and I instantly awake from my sleeping state, I guess the pain is going to keep me awake for a long time. "Emma I wish there was a way for me to heal you" he says and then he stares into the ground, thinking. I really want to know what is going on in his head right now, he looks really deep in thoughts.

Suddenly his face lit's up. He looks like he got an idea or something. He just needs a light bulb above his head. "Emma, Remember what Victoria said? You have water ability" he says before picking me carefully up bridal style and walking me over to the car. He puts me on the seat and puts the seatbelt. Thank god that the seatbelt goes over my other shoulder. Jason sits down and starts the car and drives off to somewhere while I am sitting here with pain running through my body and fighting the urge to fall asleep. Where are we going? And why aren't we going to the hospital? I thought that in situation like these people are suppose to seek help from a doctor. Unless Jason is a doctor then I don't think we should be going home right now. I really want to know where we are going but I am far to weak to even speak.

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