{Chapter 24}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 24|

Well I do know who he but I don't remember how I know him, I don't even know how I know who he is. It is Adrian Stone, I remember his name and his face and his voice but I just can't put my finger on it. "Honestly not really" I say and he doesn't look surprised at all that I don't remember him at all. Well I know his name but I don't think he knows that. I give him a confused look, besides it doesn't really make sense to me why he would be here visiting me in the hospital if I don't know who he is and he knows of it. Why is he even here if he knows I don't remember him? There isn't really a reason for him to visit me here. "I figured, that stupid boyfriend of yours made sure you forgot all about me" he says, is he talking about Jason? Jason is not stupid. I'm not really understanding what he is talking about, which makes sense since most of my memories are kind of gone at the moment so of course I don't remember but I'm not really getting what Jason has to do with this.

I think I am giving an even more confused look than before since I'm not even sure what we are talking about or exactly who he is and why he is here. It would be so nice to have those memories so I can know all of those things and not be the one who is confused all the time since that is really exhausting sometimes. "We used to date and he forced me to break up with you in a horrible way, but to make a long story short he erased your memories of me and I am still in love with you from that time" He says and I look at him like he had grown a second head, is he crazy? I have only had one boyfriend in my life and that is Jason so why would he lie about it? But I do know him from somewhere and if we did date which I'm not saying we did but if we did then that would explain why I kind of remember him but also not. And if Jason did take my memories which I know he did not do since Jason would never do that then why do I remember a little bit about this man?

"Do you have anything to proof to me that what you are saying is the truth?" I ask him, since I have no memories at the moment I will need something else to proof to me is is telling the truth and Jason isn't here yet so he can't tell me that this man is tell me the truth or if he is not. A part of me wishes that he isn't telling the truth since I don't want Jason to have done this to me and taken some of my memories. I need to believe that he would never hurt me and I know that is the truth but when it comes to Jason I always seem to realize something new about Jason. "Unfortunately no, I only have my word which you will have to trust" he tells me. I'm not sure he is telling the truth because he doesn't even have proof and that can only mean he isn't telling me the truth at all. Why did I believe that Jason would do something like, I guess Adrian only wants me to break up with Jason by telling a lie.

He is telling a lie to me about this but I do know him from somewhere and I don't think Jason was involved with that. I mean this man could be almost anyone in my life but it had to be recently since those are the memories that I have lost. I remember when Jason did ask me to be his girlfriend and everything before that but not much after, only bits and pieces yet those parts make no sense to me at all and are really useless until I get my full memory back. "I'm not going to trust you when I know you are talking a lie about me and my boyfriend" I say and I admit that it feels amazing to call Jason my boyfriend and now I really need him here and get this man out since I can't other wise I would have made him go out. His face falls when I say this and he looks like he did not expect me to say that, so he expected me to believe him and trust what he says when I have no proof of his words.

He actually looks very angry at my words but serves him right. This man thinks he was my boyfriend but he is wrong. The only boyfriend I have ever had is Jason. I looks at the door terrified and then turns back to me. Why is he so scared of the door. "My love, I will come back for you" He says and runs to the window. He opens it and goes out it, and did I say we are on the fourth floor and that window is very little so how did he get out the window? And did he just call me his love? Gross I already have a boyfriend and he is the only one who can call me his love since I am his love and he is mine. I don't want this Adrian Stone coming back for me and call me his love ever again. He will only lie to me again and I don't really like people who lie to me or call my boyfriend stupid or call me his love when I'm not his love and all of those things were said by the same person so that means I don't like him.

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