{Chapter 14}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 14|

I scream as loud as I can as I throw the package away from me as I back away really fast from it. Tears stream down my cheeks. I fall down to the floor crying, this can't be happening. I can't stop screaming. This is just horrible. Jason comes running into the room, nearly breaking the door down. He sees me on the floor crying and he runs to ma and picks me up, I'm shaking and I can't stop. He starts rocking me as I shake and crying. "Emma, what's wrong?" He asks me but I am to frightened to answer him. After few minutes he is still holding me. I just can't get that image out of my head and whenever I close my eyes I see it. In the package was a head, a human head, a mans head. It was terrible, and I don't even know who it was. Why would someone send a dead head. It was the worst thing I have ever seen, it was so gross and so disgusting and that smell when I opened the package was so horrible. I point to the bed where the package is with the head I it and Jason sees me pointing at it. I think he never noticed the package when he came inside.

Jason sees the package but doesn't go near it, he is just holding me there understanding that whatever is in that package upsets me. I don't want to close my eyes so I force them to stay open, I just stare into space on the floor. It feels nice to be in Jason's arms and he is doing everything he can to make sure that I am all right but now I don't feel like anything is helping me. My tears just continue to run down my cheeks and don't seem to stop. Jason is whispering nice words to me but I can't listen to them. The head just keeps popping in my mind and the fact that someone wrote a note to tell me to give them something or Jason will lose his head. It makes me cry harder to think about someone killing Jason and taking his head off. I don't want that to happen to Jason, I must give this person what they want even if I have no idea what they want. I don't even know who sent this package but I need to figure it out.

Jason picks me up in his arms and carries me out of the room, he sets me down on a couch. After awhile I stop crying but my sobs don't stop. I'm still shaking. Jason sees that I am slowly calming down. "Emma, can you tell me what is in that package?" Jason says but I shake my head. I don't want to tell him what it was, I just can't find the words to speak. I snuggle closer into Jason's chest where I know I am safe and protected by everything even the haunted image of that head. The eyes bore into my mind and soul. Jason takes up his phone and starts texting someone but then turns his attention back to me and trying to help me. I focus only on Jason's heartbeat, it seems to be the only thing that can actually calm me down right now. His heartbeat is so even and it is so smoothing to listen to, I don't know why but it is. My eyes close and I fall asleep by the sound of his heartbeat.

I open my eyes to see that I am outside. Why am I outside? The last thing I remember is Jason's beautiful heartbeat. I stand up to see that I am in a field. Nothing is around me, as far as I can see all I see is grass and more grass. I walk around to see if this field is endless and it is. There is nothing but grass as far as I see. Suddenly a fire ring goes all the way around me. I get startled by the fire. Where did it come from? Why am I here? Where is Jason? Where am I? Where is everyone? The questions keep swirling in my mind without getting answers. I try to walk over the fire but it just goes higher then it was before making it impossible to get out of the circle. I guess that I am staying here. I hope that Jason will come and safe me and get me away from this place. I haven't been here for long but I don't like this place. I really want to get away from here and go back to Jason. Right now I just want Jason but if he isn't here then where is he?

I sit down on the ground, since I am not going anywhere. I don't know what to do, I'm bored and there is no one here to put out this fire to get me out of here. That makes me wonder how did I even get here wherever I am? I start thinking about how I am going to be able to control my magic powers. Wait why haven't I thought if this before? Water destroys fire meaning that my water powers are the only thing that can get me out of here, until someone arrives that is, which I am still waiting for. The only problem is that I don't know how to make the water do whatever I want, I wish I could then I would be able to get out of here. I guess I am sitting here then until someone arrives and by someone I mean Jason arrives. Whenever that may be. I see a shadow above me, I look up to see that there is a ball coming my direction. The shining sun is blocking my vision of seeing how the ball looks like. I catch the ball with both my hands.

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