{Chapter 18}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 18|

My head hurts so much, I try to rub my head but my hands are stopped by something. Something really cold. I open my eyes to only close them again. It is so bright. I realize that I'm laying down and I hear nothing. I open one of my eyes and the lights is right above me si it is hard to keep my eyes open for a very long time. I try to move my body but pain shoots through my whole body, mostly the pain is worse on my stomach and my leg. Then everything comes flashing through my mind. The man kidnapping me, driving me to that house, begin trapped and tied in that room, escaping that room with the help of water, begin chased down my them, getting shot in the leg and then again in the stomach, begin brought to the house and then the darkness. I remember it all, everything that happened. I move my head so I can see my stomach and all I see is red clothes because of the blood. I really wanted it all to be a really bad dream but it isn't.

All of this is real. This room is different from the other one I was in before. The only things that are in this room is that light and the floor that I'm on. I'm laying on the floor with chains around my hands and legs instead of ropes. The walls and the floor are just grey, nothing special. I'm shivering from cold since I'm pretty sure that there is no heat in this room. I sneezed three times which hurts so much, the pain in my stomach is just so much. If I do make it out alive which I'm pretty sure that I won't but if I do make it out alive I'm probably getting a cold or something. I think that the bleeding in my stomach had stopped before but now it has started bleeding again and badly. I noise can be heard around the room and it is not coming from it. I'm really startled so I jump up a bit and it hurts so much. I try to move my hands but they are stuck in those chains that are so cold and hurt really much but I don't think they are leaving bruises like the ropes did.

"She lives look at that" the man who brought me to the house speak through microphone, I don't see any speakers but I guess they are here somewhere. I don't really feel alive right now. I'm ice cold and my body is going through so much pain and I have no idea how long I am going to stay alive since I really need medical attention right now. But me begin alive isn't what they want, they really want to kill me. But my question is why haven't they killed me, since I was out cold they could have just finished the job before I woke up and that way I wouldn't ever woken up. That makes me wonder why they haven't done any of those things that he said he would do to me, if they are going to hurt me and kill me why am I not dead yet. I mean it is not like I want to die it just makes me think that they had the perfect opportunity to kill me and hear I am still alive. But freezing cold and in a lot of pain. I don't know if I should answer him.

And if I'm begin honest I don't want to talk to him or even have a conversation with anyone who is just mean or rude to me. The noise can be heard again and it echoes through the room. And then silence. I don't know how long it has been since he talked to me but the door opens and someone walks inside. I don't see who until that person is closer to me since there is only one light and that light is right above me and not strong enough to see everything in the room. I can still see something in the room, not that there is anything to see since this room is really empty. I see the man that just talked to me through the microphone. He has a evil smirk on that tells me that something bad is going to happen to me but what could possibly be worse then getting shot twice. Probably death but I don't think he wants me dead, not yet I think. I believe he needs me alive for some reason and I intend to figure it out somehow. Even if I'm terrified of him and everything that has been happening doesn't mean that I'm going to give up and not figure this thing out.

He goes down to my level. He is holding something in his hands but I have no idea what he is holding. He puts whatever he has in his hands on the floor, I can't see much of what it is and I don't really care right now. I'm more concern with what he is doing here and what he wants with me. He puts his hands on my stomach and presses, I scream as he pushes his hands on my stomach. Just when I thought the pain in my stomach couldn't get any worse than it was then he does this and makes me feel a lot more pain. Why is he doing this? I continue to scream and scream out in pure pain while he presses his hand on the wound on my stomach. "Pathetic" he says and presses his hand faster on my stomach. The pain is so much I can't handle it. I try to push his hand away from me but with me tied don in those chains is that so hard for me to do. So begin in pain is all I can do.

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