{Chapter 23}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 23|

My eyes tiredly open only to be met with a very bright light which forces me to close them again. After a few minutes I try to open my open my eyes again and try to get used to the bright light. Yet once again my eyes aren't used to the light and I close them again, if I open my eyes they start to burn from the light and tears form in my eyes. "Did you see that? She opened her eyes" I hear Jason voice say as I think he stands up. Wait who else is here? My mind is kind of buzzed and it is very hard to think. I have a huge headache. And it hurts my eyes to open them, besides it is really nice to be asleep. I feel a someone take my hand in theirs. "Emma, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand" I hear Jason voice again say. I do as he told me to do and squeeze his hand, not sure why he wants me to do that but if Jason asks me to do something I will do it. I want to see Jason's face.

I open my eyes again and this time the light didn't hurt as much so I can open my eyes, but not fully since there is still light that is hurting my eyes. The world is blur right now, and it is really hard to focus "Emma, you're awake" Jason says with happiness. Why is he so happy I am awake? Everyone sleeps for a few hours every single night and wakes up, is he that in love with me that he can't sleep for few hours and be with me when I wake up? That is a bit strange. My vision is starting to become clearer and I am in the hospital I think but that makes me wonder why I am in a hospital. My head hurts so much that I can't remember anything at all. Jason takes a glass of water that is on the table and puts it close to my mouth. He helps me drink the water and I can only take small sips of the water but it is good. I hadn't realized it before but I am very thirsty and in the need of water. Jason somehow knew I needed water and gave it to me which I very good.

When I have finished all the water in the glass he sets it on the table. "J-Jason?" I ask, my voice is horse and it is very hard to talk. The smile on Jason's looks like idiots and it is kind of funny how happy he is right now. He looks really handsome with his big smile. "Emma, you have no idea how happy I am to see you are awake" Jason says and his smile never leaves his face. As much as I love his smile, doesn't he get tired of smiling this much. Still he is allowed to be happy as much as he likes and it makes me happy that he is happy to see me. I think he is happy to see me now is somehow connected to the fact that I am in a hospital. Now that I look at Jason he looks weird. His hair is in very direction and very dirty. His shirt looks like it hasn't been washed for a very long time. And his face looks the worst even if he is very handsome. He has purple bangs under his eyes and looks so tired, and he is even more pale then usual.

I clear my throat. "Jason, my head hurts" I tell him and his smile falls. No I like his smile but I do guess he got tired of smiling at last. He hurries to the door and opens it and runs out. When the door closes I wonder where he went, and why he did go. I miss his touch, for some reason I haven't been with him for a very long time, that makes me wonder why I am in a hospital. I have been trying to figure it out but it is so hard to think about it with this head ache. While Jason is away for some time I take a look around the room. It is very big and has a lot of machines that I have no idea what do. I am wearing a hospital gown and is under a white blanket with a lot of pillows for my head and they are very comfortable as this bed. The mattress is very soft and it is very comfortable to lay on it. Beside the bed is a chair and behind it is a very large window. There is also another door that I think leads to the bathroom.

Other than that the room is completely empty, and the whole room is white, just white. The walls are white, the floor is white and the ceiling white. I think this room really needs more color, it is so dull and white. Being in a white room is kind of sad, it needs color to make it bright and not in the light way. I believe it has been about ten or twenty minutes since Jason went away, I could look at the clock but for what ever reason the clock is handing above the bed which I think is not the best place to hang a clock but then again this room isn't very good styled. Soon Jason comes back inside the room with some man, I think the doctor since he is wearing doctors clothes. "Miss Summers, glad to see you awake. I am Doctor Doyle. May I ask you some questions?" Doctor Doyle asks me and it is kind of funny since he is already asking me a question. I nod my head. To tell him that he can asks me a few questions, since I am all right with it. Besides he is the doctor and doctors always want to help and if answering few questions helps me then it is all right to me.

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