{Chapter 21}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 21|

I hear many beeps all around me. I feel someone hold my hand. I feel myself begin laying down on a bed white something covering me. I feel a little pain all around my body. I can't move at all. My eyes lids are stuck like they have been glued down by a superglue. All I can see is the darkness and nothing more. "Do you think she will be all right?" I think I hear Maria's voice speak, it's hard to listen to when all I want to do is go back into the blackness where I felt nothing and everything at the same time. There was no pain, no suffering no nothing, and for some reason it felt very good and I liked that. I feel a thumb from the hand that is holding my hand rub circles on my palm. "She has to, Emma has always been the strongest woman I know" I hear Jason's voice from beside me and I believe that he is the one holding my hand in his perfect one's. I believe they are talking about me, but why? I don't understand. I hear crying, Maria is crying. No I don't want her to cry. I don't want anyone to be crying because of me.

"The way she put out that fire is beyond me" Jason says but with surprise and sadness mixed happiness. Then it all flashes back to me, the head that we found in our room, the notes, the man that took me, how he brought me to that house, I was in a brightly white room where he tied me down, how the water saved me, the that I ran away and got shot, I got brought back there in the house and he hurt me so much, the way that the man got me the locket, and that locket saved me, how I drove off, the woman in black trying to kill me, and how she created that fire, the way I put out the fire with my magic powers. "You may think she is just a normal girl, she isn't. On her own she came back from the dead and has element magic, somehow she survives torture that should have killed her and drove in a car for who knows how long wounded and managed to put out a hell fire and survived. Something about her doesn't add up, I just can't put my finger on it" Victoria says.

I feel the hand being taken away from my hand and I kind of miss his touch right now, all I want is Jason to hold me again. It makes me feel safe and be all right. I haven't felt his touch for so long and all I want him to do is juts hold me, I don't ask for anything more or less. "From the moment I met her I knew there was something special about her and each day she proves to me that she isn't just special she is extraordinary" Jason says. I really want to wake up and hug him, I can hear it in his voice that he is very sad. I don't want him to be sad. I can tell that he needs this hug just as much as I need it. We need each other and nothing will chance that. Does he really think that I am extraordinary? I think it is a complement but I'm not sure, still it is very sweet of him to say this. But I want to wake up and be there with him and Maria and Victoria and my parents.

"There is one thing that I can't figure out about her, her injuries were so severe that she should be dead right now and she isn't and that makes me wonder how this is possible. You told me that she is an angel but angel aren't immortal but for some reason she is how?" Maria asks. Wait my injuries should have killed me? But they didn't which is a very good thing, I think. I'm alive, well I think I'm alive since I can feel my body but I can't really move at all and that is really making me worried about myself. "I do have a hunch about that but I could be wrong still it can explain it. Emma was raised by an angel and a human but they aren't her biological parents. Her biological mother is an angel but I'm not sure her biological father is an angel. He must be something else that affects her DNA. I can tell that he isn't human just we don't know what he is or even who he is, if we know that we can get all the answers about her" Victoria says.

Wait, so the only I'm still alive right is is because I have some immortality in my blood? That is a bit strange and I don't know what to think of this. Truth to be told I don't really want to know anything about my birth father since he hasn't even tried to contact me like Daphne did and it is possible that he is already dead or something, and if I'm honest I'm not even sure if I do want to meet him, well maybe I do. I just have no idea and I don't really want to think about this right now. "Are you saying her biological father may be a supernatural creature that ma or may not be dangerous and could have passed that gene on to Emma? Because that makes zero sense, Emma is a sweeter than a puppy" Maria is getting a bit angry I think. I can't really tell since I can't see their faces but judging by her voice I think that she is getting mad and no really wants that to happen so I do hope Jason and Victoria try to calm her a little bit down.

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