{Chapter 8}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 8|

Jason is standing there in all his handsome glory, He takes my hand and leads me out of the car. I jump into his arms as begin to sop into his chest. Why do I even try to be brave? I'm seriously not good at it, maybe I should stop begin brave. No I can not allow myself to think like this, I'm suppose to be this hero and save the sea from darkness and to do that I need to be very brave. It may be easier to say it than be it. How did my life become like this? I have no idea how I am going to be this person that they want me to be. I think that I should tell Jason about it, well I'll tell him when I have calmed down and he isn't that angry. His breathings tell me that he is angry and I can just sense it, don't ask me how because I have no idea so I would not be able to answer that question.

Jason picks me up bridal style, as comforts me. I know he isn't very good at it but it is still very nice and comfortable. With all this crazy going around, Jason is the only thing I can be sure of. He completes my life, he makes my life make sense. Begin in his arms I realize that I can never get hurt, when I am with him. He protects me, and makes me feel safe. I know for a fact that I can always count on him when I am in need of help or when I can not protect myself. His steady heartbeat calms me down, maybe a bit too much. I close my eyes and let myself fall into a deep sleep. I wouldn't want have been able to sleep if I wasn't in Jason's arms, there is simple just too much on my mind for me to think about sleep but since I am with Jason, I can easily fall asleep.

I wake up in a bed I know to well. I feel like every single day, Jason puts me to bed. Wow I do sleep in his arms a lot but I can't help it. There is always something happening to me and Jason picks me up and I fall asleep in his arms. There is just something about begin in Jason's arms that make me very sleepy. Don't know what it is and I really don't want to find out. I remember what happened last night with at the bar with Maria, the strange drink chancing into water, the sink making water bubble above my palms, the weird guy who tried to undress me, and finally Jason saving me. Is this how my life is going to be from now on? I have tried to make my life normal but all crazy things seem to follow me everywhere I go, if I am going to live like this for the rest of my life then I better get use to it, or at least try to get use to it even if it seems impossible.

I get out of bed and walk to the closet, as soon as I open it I realize that this is Jason's closet but when I look inside right when I was about to close the closet door again I see that there are also women's clothes in there. I get this kind of weird feeling in my gut, and it is very strong. It is making me sad and angry at the same time and I don't like it at all. I brush off that feeling and look through women's clothes that are in the closet, it is all my size, how strange. I hope thee girl who owns it doesn't mind that I am going to wear some of this since I have nothing to wear today. And I don't really want to wear Jason's clothing, well I wouldn't mind though, his clothes are really comfortable and I like them a lot but I want to wear something more like me today, I got to admit that the clothes in the closet are my style but that only makes me wonder who they belong to?

I take out a skinny jeans and a a light pink summer dress with daisy's. I brush my hair and teeth before going to find Jason, he must be here somewhere. I walk around the house to find him. Suddenly I hear laughing, Jason's and an unknown laugh, from a woman. Is this the woman that owns the clothes in the clothes, the feeling I felt before pops up again in my body but this time I am more angry then I was before, Jason is having fun with this girl, he has never laughed like that when he is with me. To see who that girl is I walk inside the living room where they are. When I open the door they both stand up and look at me, their stare make me feel very awkward. The woman makes a very high pitch noise and runs toward me, she attacks me in a hug. I nearly fall down but I mange to keep my balance before I fall, I look at Jason and he is standing there with a guilty smile.

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