{Chapter 15}

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|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 15|

Today is a new day and I'm going to forget all about the things that happened yesterday, I just have to look at the bright sight of everything and make sure that my life isn't ruined because of one really bad day. When I woke up this morning my throat didn't hurt anymore it was just a little sore but nothing to worry about. And m voice is back and that feels very good. It was a bit weird to not speak for some time but I managed. When I woke up I find a note from Jason on his pillow. I pick it up. On it is written in a very fancy writing:

My little flower don't worry when you wake up. I need to take care of some business and I'm so sorry to tell you that I will be gone all day but Victoria will be there for you for anything you need. ~Jason

I really wish he was here but he has something to do and I don't want to get in his way of whatever he is doing. Besides he has a company to run and because of me he has missed a lot of days of work which reminds me I should start working soon.

When all of this crazy things are over I'm going back to work. I think that all the people who work there probably think I quit or something. I dress myself in something comfortable because I'm not going out today well maybe I'll go to the garden but not in public so it doesn't really matter what I am wearing right now. Victoria is on the phone with someone when I go get myself something to eat. She is not speaking english she is speaking some language that I have no idea what is but I don't want to be rude or anything while she is on the phone so while I eat I try to focus on something else when in reality I am very curious of what language she is speaking and what she is talking about and who she is talking to. The phone call seems intense and she is kind of angry but not yelling but she is also calm but not talking calmly. It is a bit strange if you ask me but this isn't my business so I shouldn't listen to what she is saying. Not like I can understand it since she is talking in another language.

Even after I finish eating she us still on the phone with whoever she is talking to. I'll just leave her while she is still on the phone, I don't want to interrupt her or anything. I go to Shadow. I really want to spend time with him since he is my cat and I don't see him everyday which I am hoping to chance. I'm going to try to visit him every single day at least once and if I can twice or more. I don't want him to feel sad just because I'm not there to visit him. After an half and hour of just petting him and playing with him my phone rings. I answer it. "Hello" I say answering the phone. "Ems" I hear my dad say on the other line. I feel happy tears form in my eyes. It has been so long since I have see or heard from my dad. He probably thinks that I didn't want to visit him or something. Oh my god I had forgot that my dad was in the hospital.

Everything has been so crazy around here that I just forgot all about my dad. What kind of daughter am I? I know for a fact that I am a horrible one"Dad I am so sorry for not visiting you and-" I begin to speak but I am cut off by my dad who chuckles at my worry or at least I think he us chuckling at my worried state right now. "Ems, I know your mother told me everything. My little girl has been so brave, I couldn't be more prouder of you. Sacrificing yourself for the man you love is called true love. Not that I want you to die again but it was beautiful what you did honey" my dad says in to the phone and happy tears run down my cheeks. Not only am I hearing my dad but I'm also hearing that he is proud of me. My whole life I have always wanted to make my parents proud of what I have done with my life since they raised me and made me who I am. I owe them everything for what they did for me. "I knew that we raised you right. But now that you are alive I want you to visit your old dad and bring that fit with you. Me and him need to have a serious talk" he continues.

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