Chapter 1: You're Kidding Right?

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I just pulled into the driveway after a long day of work. My feet were throbbing and aching from my heels and I couldn't wait to change out my pencil skirt and blouse and into something more comfortable.

I climbed out of the car and started trekking up the driveway to the house. I hated some days how my parents had to have live so extravagantly. Why couldn't we have a normal sized driveway, not one that was extra long that lead up to a stone sidewalk, that lead up to stairs that then lead into the mansion sized house we lived in, where I had to walk up a winding staircase to get to my bedroom.

My dad was the CEO of a successful pharmaceutical company and made quite a bit of money. I'm using those terms "quite a bit" pretty loosely.

My mom use to work as a cosmetic chemist, formulating all new types of makeup and things that made women (and some men) feel better about themselves by boosting their self esteem.  She quit working though when she married my dad, realizing that he made plenty of money, instead she well...I don't really know what she does.

We have a maid that does all the work because she would never mess up her perfectly manicured nails with house work or cooking. Instead she has little gatherings with her friends, she has a book club that meets once a week, and she does plenty of shopping.

I was always the kid growing up that wore nothing but dresses and skirts, had my hair done perfectly every day, and was never allowed to go outside and get dirty like the rest of the human population. I always envied the other children because of the hold my mom had on me. She always had the mindset that women were suppose to be prim and proper.

When I got finally got the job as a pathologist and told her that my job revolved around dissecting organs for tissue samples, as well as testing bodily fluids all day, I thought she was going to faint.

She always told me to marry rich, have a ton of kids, and let him support me, but there was no way I was letting that happen. A husband and kids would be nice, but damn it I was going to be independent and work my own job. Enough about my parents, they are boring and snobby, anyway, I walked into the house and immediately kicked off my heels.

My mom walked into the foyer from the living room, her disapproving gaze greeting me, "Roxanne, you know the rules about bare feet in the house. Its disgusting."

I rolled my eyes, and grumbled "Yeah, yeah, I know." as I headed up the winding stairs to my bedroom.

I hated how she called me Roxanne, it was too formal. Most of my friends and people at work called me Roxie.

I decided to take a quick shower before dinner, and after my shower I headed into the kitchen, greeting Patricia, our maid, as I entered. The aroma of food smelt delicious, and my stomach growled. I was so busy all day I skipped lunch and didn't even realize how hungry I was.

Dinner was awkward as usual. I wanted to inhale my food, but was then scolded by my mother who said I had to "Eat like a proper lady." I swear sometimes she forgets that we live in the 21th century.

My dad was home for dinner today, which was nice. "So Roxanne darling, how's work going?"

I took a sip of wine, "Quite well actually. I get to meet my new intern tomorrow." He smiled taking another bite of food, "Let's hope they are as hardworking and dedicated as you are."

After dinner I helped Patricia clear the dishes, getting scolded multiple times in the process by my mother.

I headed up to my bedroom, and finished up some paperwork before crawling into bed. I could hardly wait to see who was chosen as my intern. I would be spending a lot of time with them, between teaching them about the lab, taking them to meetings, and even a business trip or two to a medical conference.

My mind eventually calmed down enough so I was able to drift off to sleep.

The next morning I got up early, leaving me enough time to get ready and have breakfast without my usual morning rush. I said goodbye to Patricia since my mom was still sleeping and my dad had already left for work. When I got to work I headed straight to my office, dropping my jacket and my bag off.

There were tons of people in the waiting room, some waiting for test results, some for interviews, and some for doctors appointments. The office was comprised of the regular doctors' offices, as well as the lab portion that tested all the samples that were sent in from nearby clinics and offices that didn't have their own lab.

I walked out of my office and picked up the clipboard off the front desk. I was so excited and nervous at the same time, my mind was a complete conflict of emotions and my stomach was doing flips. This intern would make or break these next few months for me, and could prove to my boss that I deserve to be head of the lab. I stayed calm and collected on the outside, trying to remain professional.

I looked down and read the name on the application, "Ashton Irwin?"

I picked up my eyes and was stunned to see the boy...I mean young man in front of me.

He was about 6 foot with short, messy blonde hair. His hair wasn't straight, or curly, or wavy, it was just simply all over. He was wearing black Vans sneakers, skin tight black skinny jeans, and an ACDC t-shirt with a black blazer over it. I had no idea if his eye color was green or blue but they were nothing like I've ever seen before, that debate quickly ended in my mind when I noticed his eyebrow piercing, matching the black metal snake bite piercings he had. He held his hand out to me and I shook his hand, his blazer shifting slightly revealing the beginning of many tattoos.

How did he even pass the interview stage? "Hi I'm Ashton, but you can call me Ash if you'd like. I'm you're new intern." His thick Australian accent was just another attribute of his that caught me off guard.

His smile stretched from ear to ear, revealing his dimples. He looked like an overly excited child on Christmas morning.

Oh boy I thought What did I get myself into?

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