Chapter 30: My Heart Wants To Come Home

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I listened to "Never Be" by 5SOS while I wrote this. 

"Flight 230 is now boarding.  Please make your way to the gate."

I trudged my bags behind me as I weaved through mobs of people going in every direction, following the blonde stranger that I once thought I knew pretty well.

After taking our seats and waiting for takeoff, I opened my carryon bag to find a stack of CDs and my CD player.  

I smiled to myself as I popped open the case with the self titled album "5 Second of Summer" inside.  I slipped the headphones into my ears and closed the CD player.

Evan watched me from a side glance, almost as if he was afraid for his eyes to meet mine.

"Since when do you listen to music?" he questioned, his voice quiet.  It had been the first words he'd spoken to me all morning since I got into the car.

 I shrugged, "For awhile now."

He watched me as I pressed the worn out button to skip to my favorite track, "You know, I could always buy you an MP3 so you don't have to use a CD player."

"No I don't want one." I snapped.  

I didn't mean to get so harsh so quickly, but surprisingly the CDs meant a lot to me.  There was comfort in sifting through the CD cases, finding one you wanted and snapping the CD into the player as you waited in anticipation for the music to overtake your senses. 

I sighed, "Sorry...I just, I just don't want an MP3."

He gave me a sad smile, his icy blue eyes meeting mine finally, "It's okay.  I didn't mean to offend you I just thought that's what you would have wanted."

You don't even know what I really want Evan.

I drifted off thinking about everything that had happened between the night of the party to the moment I boarded the stupid plane.

I woke up to strong arms wrapped around me and soft snoring in my ear.  My head was throbbing and I could feel my leftover makeup caked on my face.

I gently lifted the hand from around me and snuck out of bed.  I grabbed a pair of shorts out of my dresser and slipped them on as I tip toed towards the door.  

I quickly crept down the stairs to find all three boys sleeping in various odd positions throughout the house.  Calum and Luke were sleeping in the living room.  Calum was hanging off the couch wrapped in a blanket like a cocoon while Luke was laying on top of a mountain of pillows and clothes, snoring and drooling.

I didn't see Michael anywhere until I went to go walk back up the stairs.  He had made himself a little bed underneath the stairs with blankets and pillows from the guest room.  

Walking through the house, you could definitely see there had been a party.  I ignored everything, knowing it wouldn't take too long to clean up as I made my way to the coffee pot to make coffee for the boys and I.  

I started to take out food of the fridge to make breakfast.  My brother always taught me how to cook growing up even thought our parents would scold us.  They thought it was a waste of time because we had Patricia and that was supposedly her job.  

My brother would just shoo them away and continue on with our lesson as if we had never been chastised in the first place.

Just as I cracked the eggs into the pan, I felt someone slip their hands around my waist.

I instantly smiled when I saw the familiar long fingered hands and tattooed wrists.

"Good morning, you look great in my shirt...well Michael's shirt."  he laughed.  His voice was husky and deep with sleep.

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