Chapter 33: Uh-Oh

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"Roxie!  Give it back!" he yelled as I ran down the hallway towards the bedroom.

I hid his gray beanie behind my back with a smug look on my face as a so called "angry" Ashton stomped his way over to me.  You could practically see the smile forming behind his scowl and his infamous giggle wasn't too far behind.

I shook my head, "Nope, you can't have it back."

He put his hands on his hips like a girl, "And why not?"  He looked adorable with his black rimmed glasses, his bed head hair, red plaid pajama pants, and a black form fitting t-shirt.

"Because I like your curls and it makes me upset when you cover them just because you don't like them." I pouted.

Ashton reached over and pulled the tie back that was holding my hair up gently from my hair, as he watched it fall piece by piece as it began to frame my face.

"What was that for?" I yelled, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

Ashton slipped my tie back on his wrist with his other bracelets, "I like your hair down.  It makes you look less professional...and much cuter."

Ashton put his hands on my waist as I tossed his beanie on the nearby bed so I could wrap my hands around his neck, just high enough to feel his curls tickling my hands.

Ashton placed his forehead to mine allowing me to feel the heat of his skin against mine, "I cannot get enough of you, you're like a drug that makes me feel a stream of never ending pleasure I've never felt before with anyone.  I don't know what I would do if you left me."

His breath against my skin made me shiver with bliss as I brought my hands higher  to put my hands even further into his hair.

"I'll never leave you..."  I tilted my head slightly so I could press my lips to his...

I could feel my body slipping away from the dream as my eyes fluttered open revealing surroundings unknown to me.  The entire room was white and there was a pale blue curtain on my right separating the room in two.  The strong smell of anesthetic and rubbing alcohol filled my nose, causing me to shift slightly underneath the rough white sheets. There was a quiet constant beeping next to me and I could feel someone holding my hand.  

My entire body was stiff and just to move my throbbing head to see who was next to me hurt like hell. I tilted my head slightly to see someone truly unexpected.

"Dad?" I croaked.  My throat was extremely dry and it hurt to speak.

As soon as he saw I was awake he stood up and sat on the bed next me, without breaking his grasp from mine.  There were tears brimming in his eyes as he leaned down to kiss my forehead and brush a piece of hair from my face.  

He must have came from work because he was still wearing one of his expensive suits and ties with his hair styled perfectly professional.  My dad always looked like he stepped out a Men's Warehouse catalogue, except on the weekends when he spent the days lounging around or playing golf in shorts and a polo shirt.

"Sweetheart, you scared me.  I'm...I'm so glad you're okay."  he choked.  It truly hurt me to see him so upset.  I had never seen him cry before and I hope this was the one and only time.

I didn't say anything, mostly because I don't even remember being taken to a hospital.  Plus for my dad to have flown out from his job to come be with me meant it was a big deal.  

Don't get me wrong my dad loved me, but he was never the overprotective parent.  That was my mom's job.

"What happened?"  I whispered.  My dad leaned over to grab the nearby glass of the water as he held it for me to help me drink.  The cool water felt amazing against my dry throat.

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