Chapter 11: What...?

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We actually didn't end up getting drunk, like Ashton had originally planned.  

Instead, Ashton had found a small music venue down the street from the resort with a local band playing.  The venue was small, but had a stage for the bands, a few tables and chairs, and a bar towards the back of the venue.  The walls were littered with various band memorabilia, signed posters, and pictures, the paint on the walls barely visible.  

Ashton bought us a round of drinks, but we were both responsible and knew our limits.  I enjoyed listening to the music, as Ashton sat beside me, drumming along on his knees to the beat of the song.  After the band finished their opening set, they played a slower song.  Ashton stood up from the bar stool and held his hand out to me.

"May I have this dance, Ms. Winslet?"  he said, recreating his poor British accent, that couldn't be masked by his thick Australian one.  It was like déjà vu of a few weeks ago at the charity ball.  

I took his hand, and smiled, as he led me to the open area in the bar, where a few other people had been dancing.  He put his hands on my hips, and I placed my arms around him, so we were pressed against each other.  All my worries melted away, and I was left to focus on nothing but the smell of his aftershave and his skin touching mine.  

His eyes were focused behind me on the band playing, but my eyes were focused on him.  He had on another muscle tee, this time an incredible hulk one, black skinny jeans, and his usual pair of black Vans.  He had an incredible jaw line, creating the outline for his flawless smile, paired with his dimples that only made his hazel eyes seem brighter every time he smiled.  I leaned my head on his chest, and inhaled the fruity, citrus, scent of his aftershave   

"I'm surprised you said yes to dancing with me."  he said quietly, looking down at me, after a few moments.

I picked up my head to look at him, "How could I possibly say no?  You danced with me a few weeks ago at the ball remember?"  I leaned my head back against his chest.  I felt his heart pulsing, slow and steady, and it brought a smile to my face how relaxed he was.

"I know, but that night I felt like you were obligated to dance with me.  Tonight is different, everything's on our terms and what we want."  

What we want.  

The words repeated in my head over and over.  Specifically the word want.  What did I want?  Being away from home, my family, and Evan has shed a completely new light on everything.  I was so sick of living under my parent's rules.  It was like they had me trapped in a box for all these years, and I was constantly clawing to get out, only to find that the box was unable to be opened.  I feel like I've missed out on so much.  Traveling, concerts, social gatherings other than formal parties and book clubs, dating, and just being a normal young adult.  Evan was the first person I officially dated, and now we are engaged to be married.  

How do I really know if he's really what I want when I have no one to compare him to?  Maybe he's my first love, but maybe not my true love.

Ashton had notice my grip on him had tightened, "You okay?"

I snapped back into reality, "Sorry, I got caught in my thoughts, I'm going to get some air."

 I grabbed my purse and headed outside.  The breeze was warm, and the sun was just setting over the horizon.  The sky splashed with various colors of oranges, yellows, and pinks.  I felt a strong pair of hands on my shoulders.  I tipped my head back to see Ashton, looking down at me, his eyes worried and his lips creating a small frown.  

"Did I do something?  I'm really sorry if I did, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."  he stated.

"No you didn't do anything, actually you made me realize something.  I think I may..."  just then my phone rang.  I quickly dug in my purse, looking at the caller ID this time.  It was Evan.  Before I could slide my finger across the accept button, Ashton grabbed it from me and shoved it in the back pocket of his skinny jeans.

"Ashton! Give me that!  I have to answer it!"  I yelled,  trying to reach around him to grab my phone.  

He kept pushing my arms away, "No, I saw who it was you're not going to answer."

The phone was still ringing, it was going to go to voice mail any minute, "Ashton please, I need to talk to Evan."

He was now holding both of my arms as I continued to squirm in his grasp, "You're not talking to him.  I really can't stand what those phone calls do to you, you need time to just do something for yourself for a change.  Don't even give me that shit that you need to fix everything with him, cause that's far from what you need right now."

I was losing my patience, "You don't know what I need, I don't even know what I need, but I do know that I need to talk to Evan and if I want to fix things with him then that's what I am going to do."  

As Evan's name was said Ashton flinched, and angrily grabbed my phone from his back pocket and slapped it into my palm.  He yelled, "Here!  Go talk to Evan!  Go talk to him and fix everything and live happily fucking ever after."  as he stomped away like a child.  

The phone call had already gone to voice mail, but I couldn't let Ashton walk away upset.  My conscience wouldn't let me.

I called after him but he kept walking.  I ran to catch up to him and when he didn't stop walking I tugged at his arm. "What did I do that you're so mad at me!"  

He stopped walking and whipped around to look at me, "You're marrying him, that's why I'm mad at you." his eyes were now glossy and his bottom lip quivered slightly.

"No offense, but you don't even know him..."  I started

"Actually I do Roxie.  I do know Evan and I know that he's not good for you." he snapped.

I shook my head and tucked my hair behind my ear, "No actually you don't you only saw him for like 5 seconds at the ball and that was it."

"Actually"  he said in a voice mocking mine, "I do know him, I've known him for too long and I wish I never did meet him." he stated harshly.

"What are you talking about Ashton?"  How the heck could they possibly know each other?

"We use to be best friends, before we fought over you." 

**Sorry this is so short but I didn't want to put all the exciting things into one chapter!  Comment, vote, share, or private message me predictions and song suggestions!  The more votes and reads I get, the quicker updating I will do.  Thanks for reading! <3**

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