Chapter 16: Memories Left Behind

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**There is going to be a few flashbacks and memories in this chapter.  All flashbacks and memories are written in italics.  (Just sayin, to avoid confusion)  Enjoy!**

"Ummm, you see...I would tell you but I kinda sorta swore on my box of hair dyes that I wouldn't tell and if I broke that promise it would end up in the dumpster.  I can't risk that Roxie."  Michael explained.

I put my head back on the headrest, "You're kidding right?  Please tell me you're kidding?"

"Actually, I'm not kidding.  I really did promise Ashton I wouldn't say anything...and I'm pretty sure he was dead serious about my hair dyes."

I sighed, "Can you at least tell me if he's okay?"


"Um what?"



"Sorry gotta go bye."  he rushed his sentence in one breath and all I was left with was a dial tone.

 With no answers from Michael, Ashton not answering his phone, and with nowhere else to go but home, I pulled out of the parking lot and headed in that direction.  As soon as I walked through the door my mom came rushing over to me.

"Darling, my sweetheart I have some exciting news!"  she ushered me by the small of my back to the kitchen table.  Her high heels clacked against the tile floor and her curls bounced on her shoulders as we made our way into the kitchen.  Patricia quietly said hello as she placed tea cups and cookies in front of us.

"So Roxanne" she took a sip of her tea, her lipstick staining the rim of the cup, "You know how you were looking for a venue for the wedding?"  

Oh she did not just say the "W" word...not today, any day but today.

She continued with a huge smile creeping up on her face, " and Evan's mother went today and we found a venue!  The only problem was that we had to move the wedding up by a month because the date you wanted wasn't available.  No worries though we will be able to get everything done by then."

She kept talking but I blurred everything out after the words "we had to move the wedding up by a month".  I swear today can't get any worst.    

"Roxanne are you listening?"  my mother interrupted,  popping my inner thought bubble.

"Yes of course mother.  Thank you so much for all the effort, but a whole month?  I don't know maybe I should talk everything over with Evan.  That's a lot of lost time.  We barely have anything done besides the guest list."

"Nonsense!  Evan's mother said he would be more than fine with it.  The venue is gorgeous..."  I was seconds away from hyperventilating and her talking about how many people can now attend the wedding due to the huge size of the venue wasn't helping.

"You know mother, I had a very long day at work.  I would love to discuss this but I would rather talk about it after a good night sleep."  I said, as I stood up from the table.

"I understand dear.  We need to talk about this soon though.  Maybe our family and Evan's family could all have dinner together next week to iron out the details."  I cringed slightly thinking about us all being in the same room together. 

I told my mother that I would let her know my work schedule and that maybe we could work something out.  Maybe.  

I headed upstairs and flopped face down on my bed.  I couldn't even cry anymore over today's events.  I literally had no more tears to shed.  

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